Monday, December 11, 2017

Brave (Wicked #3) By: Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hey ya'll 👋👋👋
I'm so excited to get to share my review of BRAVE, the 3rd book in Jen's Wicked trilogy.
I need to give a huge thanks to Jen and her amazing team fro getting the ARC to this beauty sent out. I can't thank ya'll enough for all that you do.

Jen is one of my favorite authors, like one of those authors you don't even need to read the book description to anything she writes anymore. Because you just know you'll love whatever it is she's putting out there. And I mean that. I've read almost all her books, and those range from fun paranormal romance YA, to steamy adult romance suspense's, and everything in between.
I've gotten to meet Jen several times over the years too, and let me just tell you. She is an awesome person to get to take a minute and talk with. She's one of the most personable authors I've met. And her and the guys that are on some of the covers of her books are the best. I've seen them all going out of their way to make sure reader's books get signed. Even when that meant sitting at a table all day with a line a few hundred people deep signing books for everyone. And even going into time after a signing was finished, to make sure no one gets left out (Hello Apollycon lines haha)

But seriously ya'll. She's just an amazing writer and person, and you will adore her books 

Ivy Morgan hasn't been feeling like herself lately. Not like anyone can blame her. After all, being held captive by a psychotic fae prince hell-bent on permanently opening the gates to the Otherworld is bound to leave some mental scars. 

It’s more than that, though. Something dark and insidious is spreading throughout Ivy, more powerful than she could ever imagine... and it’s coming between her and the man she’s fallen deeply in love with, elite Order member Ren Owens. 

Ren would do anything to keep Ivy safe. Anything. But when he makes a life altering choice for her, the fallout of his act has far reaching consequences that threaten to tear their lives apart. 

If Ivy is going to have any hope of surviving this, she must put aside the hurt and betrayal she feels, and work with not only those she loves, but with an enemy she would rather kill than ever trust. War is coming, and it soon becomes clear that what Ivy and Ren thought they knew about the Order, themselves, and even their enemies, has been nothing but a cluster of dangerous, deadly lies. 

Ivy knows she must be more than just brave to save those she loves--and, ultimately, to save herself. 

Because behind every evil fae Prince, there’s a Queen….

I honestly don't even know where to start with this book. I've been waiting a year to finally see how this awesome series was going to end... And let's just say Jen did not disappoint in the least.

We got the whole Wicked crew back for this one plus some fun new faces. And just as much butt kicking and excitement as the previous two books.

At the end of TORN we were left wondering what was going to happen to our fae fighting crew as their world flipped upside down and familiar faces betrayed them. And BRAVE picks right back up there.

But something that this book played with a lot in my opinion is self identity.
We learn a lot about Ivy, and a few of the characters actually in this book. And I liked the way Jen toyed with them struggling to find where exactly they fit in this new world of theirs and what that meant for their future. We see especially Ivy dealing with this the most. She struggles hard accepting parts of who she is. And while that did get annoying at times, I think it was good to show that even the strongest people struggle sometimes. But they can overcome those struggles and become someone they want to be. Maybe just not the way they thought they would.

And speaking of Ivy, let's delve a little deeper into her character for a minute.
I think Jen gave us the most vulnerable Ivy in this book. For once she's unsure of who she is or what she's doing. She's been given information in the previous books that flip her world for her, and in turn make her question a lot about not only herself. But if what she's doing as a hunter is the right thing. She sees there's more gray in the world she assumed was just black and white.
I don't want to give anything away if you haven't read the other books in the series yet. So if I seem like I'm being a bit vague, that's why.
But while Ivy is going through all this re-self discovery (If that's not a word it is now haha) we still see her as this amazing fighter, willing to defend her friends and loved ones even if it kills her.
It takes some time to get that side of Ivy back out, but it's there. We also for the first time, get to see the scared vulnerable side to her. And I think that adds some dimension to her character. Even if it was kinda infuriating at times. Because believe me. There were a few times I just wanted to reach in and strangle that girl haha.

But really, I think we saw the most growth from her in this book (in more ways than you think)
And that was something I really enjoyed. Plus seeing her go all fae hunter on those wicked ones was pretty awesome too hehe.

So let's move on to Ren real fast

This man*Swoon
I freaking floved Ren so much in this book. He's always been a sweetheart. And fierce and loyal to a fault when it comes to the people he cares about and his duty as an Order member.
But we see that even more so in this book. Ren literally would risk his life for Ivy if it meant keeping her safe instead, and man... Where can I find someone as dedicated as that? I can't even get a guy to hold a door open when I walk into a store HA!
But seriously, he is just such an adorable character. You know, for someone who kills mythical beings for a living haha.
And I seriously respect the level of love and affection he has for Ivy, even when she pushes him away. He's just one of those characters that refuses to give up. And you just wanna hug him when his heart gets bruised and battered.
Plus we get to see bad a** Ren again. That boy can kick some BUTT!! Plus he's got just enough sarcasm, especially when Tink is involved to keep me snorting.

And speaking of the little Brownie.
freaking Tink was the MVP of this book. Oh-em-gee!
I loved that little... err... big? dude in this book.
He''s always been one of my favorite characters Jen's created (Because we all know her side characters are the freaking bomb)
Tink is sarcastic, snappy, a bit crazy, and funny as heck with his Amazon obsession.
And ya'll!! His interaction with a new character to the series had me rolling. Tink was pretty funny with them, and this new character I speak of was pretty awesome in general themselves.
You'll just have to read this one to find out who I'm talking about. Because you'll definitely know as soon as you meet them hehe.

And oh man.... We finally find out the secret of the troll dolls!!!!

I think it was the most bizarre and funny thing I've ever read. So If you're wanting some hilarity and just plain what the heckery. Be sure to grab this book and read all the way to the end. It's so beyond worth it.
I literally had to set my kindle down for a minute and compose myself after so I could keep reading haha.

Overall. This book was just great. It had so much going on in it. And left you on the edge, flipping pages as fast as you could so you could see how it was all going to end. It had a little of everything. The romance, the hilarity, the action, the Tink...

And while I think WICKED is still my favorite book in the series. I really enjoyed this one at a close second.
It wrapped things up so nicely, but still left you wondering about some things concerning other characters*Wink Wink. 

I can tell you without a doubt, I would read this book and the whole series over and over again though. And I'm sure I will here soon. I can't stay away from the beautiful world Jen set in NOLA.
She gives such gorgeous descriptions of the area and has me itching to go finally see it for myself (even if I don't get hot Order members and Brownies like Ivy does haha)

And let me just touch on world building in general here for a sec. Something Jen does an amazing job with, is that. She creates these fantastical creatures and characters and sets them in places so well, that I would expect to see a fae in New Orleans, or an alien walking down the strip in Las Vegas.
She has this way of just transporting you to the setting of her books. And she does that every time in this series. Especially in this book, where we get a little more fae magic working it's way in the city.
And I love a book and author that can do that for me. I love that when I put the book down, I feel like I could have been watching a movie instead of reading. That an author was able to describe things so well and so fully, that I could fall away from the real world for a bit and fall so wholly into their story.

So just in case you didn't pick up on it. I really did love BRAVE.
And I give it without a doubt...
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Alpha Mail By: Brenda Rothert

I never get to do these just for fun reviews anymore... So I'm gonna enjoy the crap out of writing this one haha.

I won this book in one of those amazon bouncy box giveaways, and I honestly don't remember who it was through, but thanks so much for this stellar book whoever you were. I had no clue what this was was about till you posted your giveaway, and OMG am I happy circumstances led me to it, because this book was so so good.

Sienna Mills knows her alpha males. 
They brood. 
They growl. 
They love the word ‘mine’.
After spending her early twenties in and out of relationships with alphas, Sienna used her knowledge to found Alpha Mail, a booming business that allows women to sign up for emails, letters and texts from their own brooding, red-blooded man.
Her star is on the rise and Sienna is attracting the interest of investors when a mysterious man starts messaging her about the true nature of an alpha. She’s got it all wrong, he says, and he’s willing to show her how a real man makes women respond.
The more Sienna hears from him, the more aggravated she becomes. Who does this anonymous, supposed alpha think he is, anyway? 
And yet…she can’t deny his messages are becoming the best part of her days. Commitment-phobic Sienna finds herself wanting more from her sensei of seduction. But is she willing to trust her heart to an alpha again?

This book was such a fun find for me. I honestly had never heard of it or the author before winning a random copy. But sometimes those are the best books. The least expected are the ones that surprise you the most sometimes. And other than just a short blurb about the book the person giving away a copy to said, I really didn't know much about it going into the story.

One of my most favorite types of books though, are text or email conversations between people, where one of them is secret or they don't know each other (Or think they don't know each other) that sort of thing. So you couldn't believe how happy I was when, lo and behold, the main characters are talking through email. Like jackpot for this book nerd haha 💰💰💰

But I loved the dynamic in this book. Here we have this secret advice giver, and this strong, independent, yet funny female lead. Her business is mighty unconventional, but booming and a bit amusing at times (Although with such strong personality types working for her, it's to be expected haha)
And then here comes this guy telling her shes utterly wrong about it all. And the way that whole part of the story went about was just so fun and cheeky. I really did enjoy their back and forth banter.

And let me just say. I KNEW IT!!!!

I totally knew who our mystery emailer was. (Don't worry I won't even drop hints.) But seriously.!! hahaha 

But I loved the mystery in having a well... Mystery guy haha. It makes things so much more fun, and I'm just one of those that likes to always try to guess what's gonna be happening in a book. Even if I drive most of my book friends crazy when I do hehe.

And just the entire dynamic this book had going on. It was such an easy read. I seriously flew through it. And something I loved, was that I could read like that. But also not feel like anything was missing or that the book was just a quick finish. It wasn't that you didn't get details, or a good length to the book. It just flowed so seamlessly and easy, that it was easy to get lost in the pages and just keep going until it was finished.

Nothing was forced or made me stop and pause to ask "What?"

And I can seriously appreciate a book like that.

Plus,as I gushed about earlier. The characters were fantastic. I'm having such a hard time talking about them though, because I'm afraid that in gushing. I'll give away our mystery guy.

Lets just say he's a total doll. I adored how sure of himself, but yet sweet and even caring he seemed. He definitely has that alpha thing going on (Duh! that is what this book is about after all haha)
But he's not the cocky almost jerk like alpha either. He knows how to treat a woman properly, and show his adoration. And showing that alpha side while he does it? Oh yeah! And I totally appreciated that Brenda could give us a character like that. Because I don't know about ya'll... But I love a good alpha, I just sometimes get tired of that whole bossy your mine over the top almost domineering alpha.

In my world there are very distinct differences between those. And I loved we got a book that tried to showcase that.

I honestly want more from this world.
The story, the characters, the secondary characters (Who BTW are just as amazing as the leads)

Which let me just side note here.

Sienna's brother? Yeah, I adore the guy....And like, the next book (There better be a next book haha) better be about his fine butt. I WANT MORE OF HIM!!!

Also, Sienna's best friend and her little boy? OH-EMM-GEE!!!
All the feels. Like so many feels. This book wasn't just all fun romance. It had one of the most amazing yet sad sub plots going on. The reason Sienna works the way she does. It is the sweetest thing I have read in a while. And the amount of selfless love and care this book has will warm and slightly break your heart all at the same time.

But even with that said. Just know, this book was freaking amazing. And you totally have to go grab up a copy. It will sooooo be worth your time reading it.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Also, because I love him, and were talking cute guys. Here's some more sexy Tyler Hoechlin for you haha

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blog Tour/Review: Two Man Advantage By: Toni Aleo


Two-Man Advantage by Toni Aleo is NOW AVAILABLE! "Sexy. Emotional. Funny. Aleo's first MM is a spectacular debut into a new genre for her." -NYT Bestselling Author, Melissa Collins


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Wells Lemiere knew the moment he saw Matty Haverbrooke, he had to have him. Matty was quiet, he was talented, he was beautiful, and Wells couldn’t stay away. As the youngest and most talented son of the NHL Commissioner, Matty had found the burden of family expectations almost too heavy to carry on even his broad shoulders. He had no intention of getting involved in a relationship with Wells. But the heart he’d given up for dead had other ideas. Their affair was intense and overwhelming, but when Matty couldn’t bring himself to come out and admit he wanted a public future with the man he loved, Wells had no choice but to honor his vow to live openly…and leave Matty behind. But then he learns Wells is marrying another, and Matty knows he can't let that happen. Can he throw down his gloves and embrace his future with both hands? Or will he pull the door to his closet shut once more?


Gay man has his hand on penis

My name is Toni Aleo and I’m a total dork.
I am a wife, mother of two and a bulldog, and also a hopeless romantic.
I am the biggest Shea Weber fan ever, and can be found during hockey season with my nose pressed against the Bridgestone Arena’s glass, watching my Nashville Predators play!
When my nose isn’t pressed against the glass, I enjoy going to my husband and son’s hockey games, my daughter’s dance competition, hanging with my best friends, taking pictures, scrapbooking, and reading the latest romance novel.
I have a slight Disney and Harry Potter obsession, I love things that sparkle, I love the color pink, I might have been a Disney Princess in a past life… probably Belle.
… and did I mention I love hockey?

Facebook 💜 Twitter 💜 Pinterest 💜 Instagram 💜 Bookbub

Ok ya'll, I have to admit that I was so unsure going into this book.
M/M is just not my typical read. I have nothing against it or anything, it just isn't my particular preference. But knowing how good Toni's books are, I knew I needed to give TWO MAN ADVANTAGE a shot. And that was exactly what I did.

And I'm so glad I did too. It took a bit to really get into the book. I'm not going to lie, I was really disjointed from the story. But the farther I went the more I really enjoyed the characters and the story as a whole. And believe me, liking Matty was not an easy feat. I have been holding a grudge against him for quite a while. he was a snobby, arrogant, jerk (to say the least) and he did Wells pretty damn bad on top of all the other crap involving his sister.

But Toni actually made me semi like the dude by the end. She gave him a way, at least in my eyes to redeem himself. And I liked that. I liked that Toni could write him in a way that actually made me not hate him haha. But seriously. The trials his character goes through probably have a big part in how I view him now. And even at times even sympathized for him *gasp!

But it was also Wells that I adored in this book. I've loved his character from the start, and just wanted him to be happy. And I feel like this book gave me that.
He's such a caring person. Always seeing the good in everyone, and helping to make a bad situation good. And seeing his love for Matty and how strong that made the two of them made me all warm and fuzzy. He's just one of those characters you can't help but love. 

And as horrible as some of the supporting characters were at times, they really helped make the book. They made the problems the characters faced real and plausible. And hey we get to see some fun familiar Assassins faces in this book too. So that's always fun ;)

All in all this book was good, I went in not knowing what to expect. And was definitely happy I gave it a shot. Toni did an a amazing job with not only the characters but the story itself. And I want to give her and her team a huge thank you for sending out a review copy to read. Ya'll are amazing!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monday, November 13, 2017

Cover Reveal: Shelter & Escape (The Getaway Series) By: Jay Crownover


Hey ya'll!! I'm so excited to get to help share the covers to the newest books in Jay's Getaway series. They are absolutely ah-maz-ing!! And ya'll need to go pre-order these babies right away haha.
Also book one RETREAT is on sale for only 99 pennies, so if you haven't started it yet, now's the time to pick it up 😉😉😉

From New York Times Bestselling author Jay Crownover comes the next two standalone titles in her Getaway series, SHELTER and ESCAPE! And that’s not all! RETREAT, the first standalone title in the Getaway series, is on sale for the first time ever! You can grab your copy for just $.99 for a limited time only. So check out the amazing covers below, and order your copies today!


(Coming 12/26/17):

His life is chaos and confusion. It’s a storm of uncertainty and raging emotion.

Sutton Warner is a mess. Everything in his life feels like it’s unraveling.

He’s let a lot of people down lately, including his daughter. Sutton always promised his little girl he would never disappoint her and that he would always be there when she needed him. Until he wasn’t.

The truth is, he’s used to disappointing the women in his life. First was his mother who couldn’t find a reason to stick around when he was growing up. Then there’s his ex. The woman who takes unbridled delight in making his life incredibly complicated. Luckily, his daughter is still young enough to believe her old man is some kind of hero. But, he knows the day is coming when she realizes the truth, that he’s just a man with some serious flaws and a list of ever-growing weaknesses.

Finally, there’s the woman he’s desperately trying to forget with every shot tossed back and each pill popped.

He more than disappointed Emrys…he almost got her killed.

Her love is steady and sure. It’s a shelter shaped by conviction and silent assurance.

Emrys Santos is lost. Everything in her life feels pointless and futile.

She’s been busy running away from her feelings and all the people who love her the most—including her best friend, the one person who knows exactly what she’s been through. They promised to always stick together and to lean on one another. It was a promise Em had to break so she could lick her wounds and figure out her next move. For once, there is no easy way out of the tangled web of emotions she’s caught up in, and right now, she recognizes that all roads lead back to Wyoming…and back to Sutton.

The man she nearly got killed.

Shelter is a standalone novel, the second book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.


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(Coming 1/30/18):

Everything inside of him is screaming that he needs to run, he needs to go, he needs to escape.

Lane Warner is used to being overshadowed and overlooked.

After all, he’s the youngest brother and the most laid back one in the family. He’s the one known for going with the flow and not making waves, even when things seem to be at their worst.

Very few things in life have had the ability to rile Lane up and get under his skin. At the top of that list is his childhood friend Brynn Fox…no…Brynn Warner. The fact that they share a last name was the one thing that has the power to light him up and spin him out of control like no other. There was no calm, cool and collected when it comes to all the reasons why Brynn had to become part of his family.

It’s slowly killing him to keep wanting what he can’t have, so Lane sees only one way to stop himself from doing something they’ll both regret…he has to leave.

Everything inside of her is calling out to find him, to follow, to bring him home.

Brynn Warner is used to being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After all, she’s the daughter of an unrepentant gold-digger who never once blinked at being the cause of her daughter’s pain and suffering.

Very few things in her life have ever brought happiness and a sense of security. At the very top of that list is Lane Warner. She has unwaveringly loved the youngest Warner since the first minute she laid eyes on him. He was everything Brynn ever wanted and everything she knew she could never have.

Sometimes the right choice is the one that hurts the most and Brynn’s had to make a few that felt like they might be the end of her.

When Lane takes off, one thing is clear, the only choice Brynn has is to go after him.

She’s going to bring her wayward cowboy home….whatever it takes.

Escape is a standalone novel, the third book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.



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And don’t miss the first standalone novel in the Getaway Series, RETREAT, on sale for just $.99! Grab your copy today! RETREAT on Amazon RETREAT on Other Retailers

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.      

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Twisted Jigsaw Puzzle Fun

Hey ya'll 👋👋👋

So I'm sure you all have gotten to know me pretty well by now. But just in case you don't... Not only am I a blogger. But I also work as a PA to a fairly small author named Emily Rose.
We met almost 4 years ago, through my blog none the less. And have become some of the best of friends over the year.

She recently has decided to overhaul her books (They were in need of some fierce editing and cover changes) But here in the next month or two her newest (and best book in my opinion) will be releasing. TWISTED is by far my favorite one she's written to date. And I'm so happy that Miles is finally going to be out in the word soon for everyone to meet and read about.

So until he's finally here, I figured why not have some fun.

So here's a cute little jigsaw puzzle to help you pass the time.

See if you can beat my time.

Anyone who comments below with their times will be entered into a fun little giveaway for some awesome TWISTED swag once it arrives ;)

preview48 piece20171112_014942

For Miles Conrad, moving to Hampton, Georgia was a way to escape the darkness of his past. 
Working as a bartender, he has family and the simple life he never had before. 
But sometimes, the past doesn't want to stay where it belongs, especially when it comes to Reanna “Ray” Adams. She’s the girl he could never have. The girl he could only dream of having, yet the same girl who could get under his skin like nothing else. 
And it seems that no matter how far he can run from everything that is Ray, it’ll never be far enough. 
But things aren’t the same. 
He has changed. 
In a lot of ways.
All it takes is one moment. 
One twisted second…

To shatter everything.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Love Me By Christmas By: Jaci Burton

I want to send a huge thank you to Sullivan and Partners for sending this beauty out for review. Ya'll are amazing. And I can't thank you enough for how good you take care of us bloggers.

Ellie Washington lost her husband in a tragedy five years ago at Christmas. She wouldn’t have made it through her grief if not for her husband’s brother, Nick, who helped her pick up the pieces of her shattered life. And with every year, her feelings for Nick have grown. Now she realizes she might be in love with him, but that’s not fair, because Nick deserves a life that isn’t about his brother’s widow and son.

Sharing his life with Ellie and her son has been the balm that soothed Nick’s soul after losing his brother. Now that friendship has turned into something deeper. Nick doesn’t want to upset the status quo, but someone has to make the first move, and it’s time they figure out if their feelings are real. Nick believes in what they have. He also believes in Christmas miracles, and he thinks they’re both long overdue for one.

So before this book, the only Jaci Burton ones I had read had been her sports romances (which I absolutely love FYI)
So of course when the opportunity to read and review this baby came up, I just had to snap it up.
And I mean literally. It made it to my kindle and I for realisies snapped up my kindle and got lost in this amazing book for a few hours until I had to go to work.

Jaci just has this way of writing stories that really pull you in. She writes some incredibly relatable and when it comes down to it, pretty dimensional characters as well.

You can sympathize with them so well. And I always find myself so drawn into their stories.

But it isn't just her ability to write such memorable characters either. It's the story itself too. She wrote such an adorable holiday story. And yes, there were parts that just made me ache for these characters, but I couldn't help but just love how their story progressed. Watching the romance bloom.

This book honestly kinda took me on a ride.
It's such a cute little Christmas book. 

I loved the almost hallmark movie type quality the story had. Because let's face it. I am a hallmark Christmas movie addict, so what can I say? haha.

But the story itself was pretty sweet and special. It was a sentimental one. And honestly just a pure good holiday romance.

I'm not sure this classifies as a 2nd chance romance in the traditional sense. Since it isn't the whole 2 people falling out and than finding each other again. But more a being able to move forward from tragedy type thing, with the person you don't think you should be with.
But that's kinda what I consider this one in way.
I liked how sweet the underlining theme was on this one.

My only complaint honestly, was my issues with Ellie. It's no secret I'm never the fondest of female characters. It's rare I like one. And sadly Ellie didn't do it for me. I just didn't like her wishy washyness for a majority of the book. I found myself wanting to reach into the book and strangle her. Tell her to get it together haha. But at the same time I could understand where she was coming from too. And as I said, the characters are all pretty dimensional, so that's really just one part of who she is through the book. 

And we can't forget that adorable little boy and the one hunky man that redeemed my little issues (that are purely mine. And not anything against the story plot itself. I'm weird like that)

They added that nice buffer and almost tenderness I needed to kinda understand why Ellie was the way she was. Even if it drove me crazy.
And Nick, he's just one of those characters you fall in insta-love with. He's so kind and caring. And oh man...The total sweetheart package. And the way he is with his nephew. A girl can't help but adore that haha.

⭐⭐⭐⭐4 STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐