I'm so excited to get to share my review of IF THERE'S NO TOMORROW with y'all today.
This is by far one of the best books Jen's put out to date, but also one of the most emotional and heartbreaking.
I can't thank Jen and her spectacular team enough for sending out this amazing ARC copy to read and review. I seriously adore y'all 😘😘😘
I seriously love Jen's books, and her herself too. She is just one of those authors that is a blast to meet and get to talk with. And I've gotten the luck to meet her several times over the past few years. She was actually one of the first few authors I ever met, and it seems I wind up at some event she's at or hosting at least once a year hehe.
I just got to meet her again this past March at Apollycon (Along with all those adorable cover models of hers haha) while I was working the event.
And she's totally awesome y'all!
Lena Wise is always looking forward to tomorrow, especially at the start of her senior year. She's ready to pack in as much friend time as possible, to finish college applications and to maybe let her childhood best friend, Sebastian, know how she really feels about him. For Lena, the upcoming year is going to be one of opportunities and chances.
Until one choice, one moment, destroys everything.
Now Lena isn't looking forward to tomorrow. Not when friend time may never be the same. Not when college applications feel all but impossible. Not when Sebastian could never forgive her for what happened.
For what she let happen.
With the guilt growing each day, Lena knows that her only hope is to move on. But how can she move on when tomorrow isn't even guaranteed?
I have got to start appropriating the time to be reading vs. the time to be sleeping. Because it's 6 am, and I've gotten ZERO hours of sleep so far.
And this makes 2 nights in a row of starting a book and finishing it before the sun rises the next day....
I go from not being able to hardly touch a book for months to this. Lord someone help me now haha.
But y'all I cannot put into words just how stunning and incredible this book was.
And this makes 2 nights in a row of starting a book and finishing it before the sun rises the next day....
I go from not being able to hardly touch a book for months to this. Lord someone help me now haha.
But y'all I cannot put into words just how stunning and incredible this book was.
Jen always has this wonderful way of eliciting emotions through her writing. And this book managed to hit every single one of those feels I could possibly have.
I made the decision to go into this book blindly.
A decision that I'm extremely glad I made.
(I've done it a lot lately with recent books, especially by some of my favorite authors. And it seems to help with that separation of moving on to a new book or series by them. And not staying attached to the old ones. Plus it has just made for a much better reading experience for the books I've been brave enough to do it with)
So I really had no clue other than it was a contemporary YA, of what to be expecting or thinking.
And man, I'm pretty sure if I had read the description, I would have never expected what this book delivered.
I can't stress enough how beautiful the writing in this book was. Absolutely heart breaking. But so honest and sincere. And a subject that I think will touch a fairly large amount of people. Especially teens and even us still in our 20's who see ourselves as indestructible.
This book touches not only on life altering decisions and consequences, but also just that good contempary style of friendships, relationships, and growing up and finding yourself.
And as I said, this book hits a really good close to home target. We're not indestructible, and choices we make... No matter how insignificant they seem, have a way of playing out in ways we don't ever suspect. We make dumb choices and decisions because of others around us. And we don't think about what will come of those things. "It will never happen to me" I feel gets thrown around a lot these days.
And this is a good reminder that it could, and what happens when it does.
Yes it is a work of fiction. But it's dealing with a very real subject that does in fact happen all to often these days.
And Jen does such a wonderful job of breaking it all down to its barest most raw form. To give us those soul wrenching emotions (both good and bad)
And she does it not only with such an incredibly detailed and thought out story. But with such multi dimensional real characters.
I could feel the emotions in this book as I turned every page. Feel the hurt. And sparrow, and pain, and giddiness. The happy, sad, and fun.
And honestly this book had all those things.
I found myself laughing hard at times, and breaking down in tears at others. Such real and true emotions.
I found myself weeping and cheering along with the main characters.
They were so we'll constructed and thought out.
I adored Lena and her struggles (be it boy trouble, to the more emotional grief and guilt that overtakes her)
She's a relatable character, someone we've all been at a point I think. And I loved watching the evolution she takes through the pages of the story.
There were times when I wanted to reach in and smack her (shock shock for me right haha)
But I think those moments that caused me to feel like that, were needed too. They showed the difficulty Lena faced through the story. And in the end offers you a better emotional attachment to her and her situation.
And I can't even explain how much I loved Sebastian. I always find myself so completely smitten with Jen's male characters. Whether it's Daemon, Seth, or Aidan. And Sebastian was no exception (He was more along the lines of reminding me of Cam, or even Jensen)
I feel like he was so much wiser beyond his years at times, but yet still this emotional unsure teen too. And that gave him so much of that depth I mentioned. It made him relatable, and the character that you turn to lean on and feel for just as strongly as you do for Lena.
He's got that goofy charm with just enough cockiness to him, that you just can't help but adore in a character. And man I'm just putting it out there now.... I.CALL.DIBS!!!!
Plus I just adored all the additional characters in this book as well. they were a fun and interesting mix of goofy athletes, silly gossipy girls, and dorky guys.
All had their own unique personality. And those little things about each of them are what added so much to the story.
This story is just by far a touching and beautifully heart breaking experience of a read. Much the way The Problem With Forever was.
And I will warn... Have a box of tissues close by. Because if you're like me (claim to not be emotional) you'll need them anyways. Because guess what?! This emotionless blogger bawled like a baby with a toothache.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 STARS⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Honestly It'd get get 20 if I could do that.
it was just that good of a book.
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