Saturday, October 4, 2014

Blog Tour/Interview: Twelve (#3 Of The More Series) By: T.M. Franklin

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Hey ya'll so this is by far one of those tours that I have been dying to post. I originally found this series back last year when I participated in a book blitz for More. After posting everything I thought the book sounded interesting, and downloaded it to my nook the next day. Let me tell you... Best decision I ever made. The book was brilliant and I fell in love with the characters. T.M. Franklin did an amazing job writing and I couldn't wait for the next one. I got involved with the sequel doing cover reveals and release day blitz when book 2 The Guardians came out, and once again went and downloaded it, only to be amazed once again. So by the time news for Twelve was circulating I knew that I had to be apart of the tour. I actually got the opportunity to get an ARC and read the book early and just so you know, you wont be disappointed. Twelve is the perfect ending to such a stunning series and I have to say I am so honored I got to be a part of helping out with this series. So for this tour I got the opportunity to interview T.M. She is amazing and I think you will really enjoy her answers. Tomorrow I will be posting my review for the book as well so make sure you look out for that too. 

Hope Ya'll enjoy :)

The action-packed conclusion to the MORE Trilogy is here!

Twelve cover

Ava Michaels is gifted, powerful, and — whether she likes it or not — part of a plot to take over the world.

It’s only been a few months since Ava Michaels discovered she has ties to an ancient people living in the shadows of the human world, despite their superior gifts and abilities. A select few don’t like hiding, however, and think it’s time to take control.

Now Ava’s caught up in a conspiracy in the works before she was even born. In fact, her birth was an integral part of the plan. She’s one of the Twelve, the most powerful Race ever created, and they were created for a purpose.

Turns out, Ava doesn’t like being told what to do.

All she wants is to start a new life with her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, but before they can even think about that, they must join forces with former enemies, seek out some powerful new friends, and figure out what exactly the Twelve, and their power-hungry leader, are up to.

Then, they have to find a way to stop them.

Add TWELVE to your Goodreads Shelf!

Twelve (More, #3)
Where to buy it

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | TWCS Publishing House

I got the pleasure of interviewing T.M. Franklin for this tour. She is incredibly nice, and I have to say I was super excited to be doing this.
Here is my interview. Hope ya'll enjoy

  • What was the process like getting your book to become a reality? Getting an agent, signing with a publisher, etc…

Actually, it was easier for me than for many authors. I had written about two-thirds of MORE during NaNoWriMo when I was approached by my publisher. An author friend of mine had told the acquisitions editor about what I was working on and they wanted more information. I showed them a little of what I had so far, and they requested the full manuscript for review. That definitely motivated me to finish writing it! I submitted the full, and they offered me a contract for the trilogy.
  • Do you have an author you completely fan girl over? If so who?

Oh, several! Stephanie Perkins, Diana Gabaldon, Janet Evanovich… but the one I probably fangirl the most over is S.E. Hinton. I grew up with her books and I still squeal when I see her tweets on Twitter!
  • Out of all your characters who were your favorite to write? Who was also the hardest to write?

In the MORE Trilogy, I’d say my favorite to write was Tiernan. We definitely see deeper into his character as we move along through the three stories, and many of his scenes – particularly with Ava – really made me smile as I wrote them. He’s a big, tough guy, but he’s also pretty funny and he has a good heart.

I wouldn’t say a particular character was the hardest to write, but the scenes where certain aspects of the character had to be obscured were difficult. It was a balancing act between revealing enough, without giving too much away.
  • What was your favorite scene to write throughout the MORE Trilogy?

Probably the final battle. I had it pictured in my head throughout the whole series, so I was really looking forward to writing it. There were so many different scenes going on in different locations, that it was a challenge to plan it out, but it was a lot of fun for me too – like watching a movie of it in my head.
  • Is there anything new that you’re working on that you can or are willing to share a little about?

A couple of different things, actually. I’ve written a short story that will come out in the Frequent Flyers Collection on November 1st. It’s called Unscheduled Departure, and it’s about a girl who’s devastated when her boyfriend decides to move across the country to take over the family business, but is thrilled when he changes his mind and gets off the plane. But then things get a little weird… and she starts to wonder if her boyfriend is really the man she thinks he is.

I’m also working on a full-length novel about a woman who gets a second chance to make a decision that changed her life. That one is a lot of fun and I can’t wait to share more about it as I get further along in the process.
  • Where did your inspiration to write the MORE Trilogy come from?

There were several initial inspirations, but the biggest came from my own childhood. I used to imagine that I had powers, and I just needed to focus enough to access them. Obviously, I grew out of that, but I thought – what if it was true? What if there were people with these powers, but they just didn’t know it? That led to the idea of Ava being hidden, essentially, her powers blocked, only to be released when the time was right.
  • Which do you prefer to write more; paranormal romance like the MORE , or cute funny romances like Ainsley Bishop?

I really need a balance. That’s why I wrote Ainsley in the first place. I was between writing The Guardians and TWELVE, and just needed a break to write something fun. There was so much to keep track of in the trilogy – so many characters and so many plot points to wrap up. Ainsley was a simple, stand-alone story – and I got to write humor, which I really enjoy.

But the truth is, I enjoy writing both, and will probably continue to do so if people want to read it.
  • Chocolate or vanilla?

Generally speaking, vanilla. Although I do like both…as evidenced by my scale. LoL!
  • Is there a possibility of any kind of spin off of the MORE series? Especially concerning everyone’s favorite blue and green eyed sensitive hulk?

I would say that is a definite possibility. J
  • Was there a real person out there somewhere you based Caleb, Ava, or any of the other characters on?

Well, as I said, Ava was based a little on my own childhood, although she is definitely not me. But other than that, they’re their own people – born out of my own crazy imagination.
  • Ok last question, if you could go back and rewrite anything from The MORE series what would you change if anything?

Oh, good question. The truth is, I’d probably change a lot. Every time I read over a story, I see things I could have done better or I wish I’d done differently. That’s why, after my final read-through before it’s printed – I don’t ever go back and read a book again. I’m so critical of my own work that I will always find fault with it. It’s never good enough for me.

That said, although I don’t really have a desire to go back and change anything about MORE, I would perhaps like to revisit some of the characters. Tiernan in particular. I have the beginnings of an idea of a story for him. I’m not sure if it would be a full-length novel or something shorter at this point. It’s an idea that definitely will have to stew for a while, but I’d like to give him his own story eventually.

If you haven't read the first two books, now is the time - all three books are ON SALE for a LIMITED TIME on select platforms!

On Sale

MORE - Amazon | TWCS | iTunes

The Guardians - Amazon | TWCS | iTunes

View the Trailer

About the Author

Author picT.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. Graduating with a B.A. in Communications specializing in broadcast journalism and production, she worked for nine years as a major market television news producer, and garnered two regional Emmy Awards, before she resigned to be a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days. MORE was well-received, being selected as a finalist in the 2013 Kindle Book Review Best Indie Book Awards, as well as winning the Suspense/Thriller division of the Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Awards.
In addition to MORE and its sequel, The Guardians, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short stories A Piece of Cake and Window, which also won a Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Award for Short Story/Fantasy. Her new YA romance, How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love with You, is Franklin’s first love story without a paranormal or fantasy element, although she believes love is the best kind of magic.
TWELVE, the final installment in the MORE Trilogy will be released October 9, 2014.

Connect with T.M. Franklin

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