Wednesday, April 29, 2015

*****Special Announcement***** All Closed Off By: Cora Carmack

Ok I have to admit. I got my email yesterday for this post and about half way through Cora's letter just about started bawling. Her passion for this particular subject and drive to help others that have gone through it just awed me. I was in the car on my way home from my six year old special needs nephews doctors appointment when it came through. Here I am in the car trying not to start crying. I think I hid it well though, my sister suspected nothing hehe.

But the fact of the matter is that I really do believe we need to shed light on this subject. It is something that gets swept under the rug far to often and it makes me sick to think that women in our society today still have to feel scared, and aren't believed when they tell someone what happened to them.

I personally have never had this experience, thank God, but thousands if not millions of women have and many times the person who attacked them is left unpunished for their crime. Women are also blamed for it happening. Which makes me want to go hit the people blaming them with a stick repeatedly. I refuse to believe that a woman ever asks for that to happen to them. I don't care if they were drunk, high, knew the person, were dating them, shamelessly flirted with them, slept with half the football team etc... If a woman cannot give you a solid YES then it is not ok. If she tells you NO and STOP it is not ok. You are taking someone from that woman they might not ever be able to get back. You stole it from them. And god it is not that woman's fault. I think that is the most important thing. NO ONE ASKS FOR THAT TO HAPPEN TO THEM! If you blame the victim you are just as bad as their attacker. I saw an article the other day from my old college where a girl was raped by a guy she considered a friend. She trusted him to take her home and he brought her back to his place and well... you get the picture. Her friends later told her that if she never told him no that she really can't be to upset. She had been drinking before a football game and they said she was just drunk and couldn't remember things right. Everyone told her that it wasn't what she said it was and for a while she believed them till she finally had the courage to call it what it was and stand her ground. 

So please, read this whole post. See what Cora has to say. What she has planned is something I agree wholeheartedly with. And I want everyone that reads this post to know that if you ever need someone to talk to I will listen. I will not judge, and I will support you no matter what. I know talking to people you are close to can be hard so if you want to tell a compleate stranger I can be that stranger. My contact info is listed on the about me page so feel free to contact me there or leave a comment if you like. I just want you to know you are not alone, and there is at least one person here to support you.


Fans of Cora Carmack’s Rusk University, we have a SUPER exciting announcement:

ALL CLOSED OFF, Book 4 in the Rusk University Series, is coming!!!

ALL CLOSED OFF Coming 2016

Check out this message from Cora!

*WARNING: This letter contains spoilers for All Broke Down. If you haven't yet read that book, read at your own peril. SECOND WARNING: this letter talks about fictional characters as if they are real people. Sorry I'm not sorry. THIRD WARNING: The letter below broaches a serious topic that could be a trigger for some people*

  Hello beloved readers! The first person who read one of my Rusk University books was my older sister. I gave her All Lined Up when I finished, and her first question was "Are Ryan and Stella going to be together?" At the time, I told her no. I had plans for both of them that included their own storylines. I thought they were too much alike. They'd make great friends. They might even hook-up, but in the end... I couldn't envision anything serious for them. So I actually rewrote some of their scenes trying to make that aspect of their connection more obvious. And still, when All Lined Up released, amidst the chatter about sweet Carson and sassy Dallas, I had people asking if Stella and Ryan were next. I denied it again (and again and again). But sometimes in writing, the stars align and a character will become bigger and more real than you could have possibly imagined. It's a wonderful experience, but in Stella's case it was also incredibly heartbreaking. While I was writing All Broke Down, the news was inundated with information about the Steubenville rape trial and other tragedies and injustices like it. Tragedies where women have been violated first by an attacker, then by judgmental and hateful people, and finally by a justice system that repeatedly fails survivors of sexual assault. Having grown up in Texas, where too often football stars are treated like gods and can get away with just about anything, it hit particularly close to home. And since All Broke Down featured a passionate activist heroine, I felt compelled to reference this chronic dark underbelly of elite sports. I can remember vividly sitting on my couch, brainstorming how I would incorporate such an event into the book. I had thought the assault would happen to an unknown character, and maybe I would focus on the way it divided the team and the school and the town. But like I said... Sometimes a character will become bigger and more human than I anticipated. And it sounds crazy, but in my mind, I felt Stella push her way forward and say, "Mine. This is my story." I immediately began to cry. Sob, really. Because I loved her as a character. She was hilarious and strong and didn't take crap from anyone. She was everything I always hope to be. And I didn't want her to go through that. Even as I cried, my brain began to tell me that it made sense. Stella was vibrant and enjoyed a wild party. She was not afraid of her sexuality, and she had no problem with casual sex. She was the kind of girl that probably had a reputation. The kind of girl who could be heinously and violently taken advantage of, and people would STILL blame her. Because she was in the wrong place, wearing the wrong clothes, behaving in the wrong way. But just because it COULD happen to her, didn't mean I wanted it to. But once again, Stella was there in my head saying, "Someone needs to tell this story. And I'm strong enough to do it. Let me." And when Stella chose her story, she also chose the man I'd been adamant wasn't right for her. Because as it turns out... Those two characters who I thought were too alike aren't so alike anymore. And Stella needs Ryan to help her hold on to that vibrant and strong girl she was before. So I let go of all the plans I had for her, and allowed her to tell me her story, which is about more than just sexual assault. It's about the aftermath. Depression. Shame. Guilt. Anger. Injustice. Victim-blaming. Slut-shaming. It's about the way that kind of event can change everything-- how you relate to people, how you think, how you dream, how you love. It's about the way the rest of the world moves on to the next big tragedy, and you're still left holding the broken pieces of who you used to be, with no idea how to put them together again or even if you want to. It will be the most difficult story I ever tell. And the most important. Because it’s a story that belongs not just to Stella, but to millions of people around the world. It’s a story that belongs to a new person every 107 seconds*. And that’s just in the United States. Think about that for a moment. 107 seconds. Stella’s story won’t be any easier to read than it will be to write. But I hope you’ll help me drag this story into the light. So now I’ll step off my soapbox and just tell you about the book… 

Stella Santos is fine. Maybe something terrible happened to her that she can’t even remember. And maybe it drives her crazy when her friends treat her like she’s on the verge of breaking because of it. Maybe it feels even worse when they do what she asks and pretend that it never happened at all. And maybe she’s been getting harassing emails and messages for months from people who don’t even know her, but hate her all the same. But none of that matters because she’s just fine. For Ryan Blake, Stella was always that girl. Vibrant and hilarious and beautiful. He wanted her as his best friend. His more than friends. His everything and anything that she would give him. Which these days is a whole lot of nothing. She gets angry when he’s there. Angry when he’s not there. Angry when he tries to talk and when he doesn’t. When Stella devises an unconventional art project for one of her classes all about exploring intimacy—between both friends and strangers—Ryan finds himself stepping in as guinea pig after one of her subjects bails. What was supposed to be an objective and artistic look at emotion and secrets and sex suddenly becomes much more personal. When he hits it off with another girl from the project, Stella will have to decide if she’s willing to do more than make art about intimacy. To keep him, she’ll have to open up and let herself be the one thing she swore she’d never be again. Vulnerable. 

 *****  ALL CLOSED OFF will be releasing sometime in early 2016. I don't have a date yet for several reasons. The first and most important, is that I want to do this story justice. And as such, I have no intentions of rushing the process. Secondly, I'll be returning to indie publishing for the remainder of the Rusk series. As you can probably tell, this story means a great deal to me. And by having the ultimate control over everything from timing to editing to price, I'll be able to ensure that I'm able to create exactly the story I envision. Unfortunately, that means you won't be seeing the paperback of ALL CLOSED OFF on the shelves in most stores. Nor is it currently available for pre-order. But I hope you'll add the book on goodreads, follow me on social media, and/or join my newsletter. I promise to shout it all over the place when I have a set release date or pre-order links. Thank you for listening as I told you the evolution of Stella's story. When it's finished, I hope you will feel as passionately about it as I do. All my best, Cora Carmack  *Statistic from RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)

#WhenitHappened banner

And an opportunity to add your voice to Stella’s…

Stella’s experience is only one story of many. She was with someone she trusted when it happened, and the only memories she has are pieced together from her own blurred recollections and the things people have told her. Not everyone’s experience with sexual assault is the same. Each person reacts, copes, and overcomes differently. And while this book is about one specific character’s journey, I would like to tell as many sides of this story as possible. As Stella grapples with her thoughts and emotions she’ll be searching for advice, for comfort, for a place where people understand her and can identify with what she’s experiencing. There will be room for truth within the fiction, and if you’d like that truth to be yours, this is your chance. If you have a story like Stella’s, and you want your voice to be heard…. If there’s something you wish more people understood about what you’ve gone through…. If there’s something you’d like to tell people struggling with a story like yours… I’d like to give you the opportunity to add your voice to Stella’s. Use the hashtag #WhenItHappened and let your voice be heard on your own by posting on your own social media, or if you’d rather I share your words fill out this google document and tell me your story. You can fill out this form anonymously or not. I’d like to begin this discussion now because April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. But my hope is to include as many stories as possible within the book itself. So many have stories of #WhenItHappened. Your voice and your story deserve to be heard. I’m listening.#WhenItHappened Google Form  

HeadshotABOUT Cora Carmack: 
Cora Carmack is a twenty-something New York Times bestselling author who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She now splits her time between Austin, TX and New York City and spends her days writing, traveling, and spending way too much time on the internet. In her books, you can expect to find humor, heart, and a whole lot of awkward. Because let’s face it . . . awkward people need love, too.      

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z-InkSlinger Blogger

Friday, April 24, 2015

Cover Reveal: Eternal Sacrifice By: Stacey O'Neale

Hey ya'll I am so excited to bring you the cover to the next book in the Mortal Enchantment series. All I have are good things to say about this series. I have had the great opportunity to read and review all the books in the series so far and every new book continues to amaze me. Stacey O'Neale writes breathtaking books and I cannot wait for the newest installment to be out.

If you haven't heard of this amazing series yet you really need to.

NOW is the BEST TIME to check it out!!!

Also there is a great giveaway at the bottom of this post. Be sure to get entered :)

THE SHADOW PRINCE & MORTAL ENCHANTMENT are currently available for FREE on Amazon from April 24th through April 28th. I promise, this the ONE AND ONLY TIME I will do this, so pick up your copies NOW!!!

And now, here is the cover of the last book in the series, ETERNAL SACRIFICE!!!
Drum roll, please...


As promised, here is the Gift Card CONTEST!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Broken Juliet By: Leisa Rayven


Some loves never let you go…

Cassie swore she'd never forgive Ethan for breaking her heart when they were in acting school years ago. He was her one great love, and when he refused to love her back, a part of her died forever…or so she thought. Now she and Ethan are sharing a Broadway stage, and he's determined to win her back. Finally he's able to say all the things she needed to hear years ago…but can she believe him? Has he really changed, and what makes this time different from all his other broken promises?

The answer lies somewhere in the past, and now the truth will come to light. Will Cassie rediscover what it's like to be trusting and open again--the way she was before Ethan? Or is it too late for these star-crossed lovers?

Don't miss this mesmerizing final chapter in the Bad Romeo duet, the unforgettable love story that captured the hearts of over two million fans online.

I just want to give a quick thank you to the awesome book gods over at St. Martin's Press for sending me my early review copy of this book. Ya'll rock, and I appreciate all you have done for me the past couple months. 

I don't think I have ever been so lost for words on how to write a review before. I'm sure if you read my review for Bad Romeo you noticed I got just a tad prolific and deep in that review. 
Bad Romeo spoke so much to me, and Broken Juliet has managed to speak to me even more. This series in general has just absolutely floored me. And to tell you the truth there are only a couple authors that have had the capability to make me such a mess after reading their books. Authors like Colleen Hoover and Jen Armentrout, to name a couple. 
But this book had me so invested in Cassie and Ethan I didn't want to put it down. Sadly life did get in the way this week, and I was not able to finish this work of art as quickly as I wanted to. If i had had the chance I probably could have finished it in a day. It was just that mesmerizing. 

Every reason I loved Bad Romeo still stands in this book. Great lead characters, great secondary characters, interesting way of breaking the book into past and present, great writing style, and amazing chemistry.
Everyone from book one is back, and we even get introduced to a few new faces like Dr. Kate Kate (No your eyes are not deceiving you, her first and last name are both Kate) Dr. Kate brings a calming effect to the story and allows for us to get a glimpse of Cassie's past when everything went downhill between her and Ethan. I mean we see that as the story flips between (as I fondly referred to them in the Bad Romeo review as Past and Present Cassie and Ethan.) The way Cassie tells about her past though with Dr. Kate gives us a better understanding as to how that past of her past effects her today though. When the book flips between the two time frames we get to see a little of how things are connected. Why that particular part of er past is being shared to explain why something is said in present time. But when she tells the story to Dr. Kate we get to see a direct reaction. That is something different between the two books, and I liked it a lot. I felt that I could understand Present Cassie a bit better. In Bad Romeo Present Cassie kinda drove me nuts. I completely understood why she had so many reservations about getting back with Ethan but I wanted to smack her a few times for not womaning up and giving it a shot. In this book though I felt like I had a much better understanding as to why she had her hang ups. I love Ethan but if a guy had broken my heart like he did to her, I probably would have acted the same way. 
That said, Present Ethan seriously melts my heart. I really love that dude. He has taken what was broken in him and patched it so much that he can now help to patch Cassie too. And let me just say... End of this book? I so freaking called it. Magic book super powers activate! hehe

So like I said, pretty much everyone is back for this book. And yes that means Connor. To tell you just a bit, I have a really special place in my heart for Connor. I love Ethan, but Connor is just the guy you want to want to be with. He is the sweet, caring, gentleman. That doesn't through you on the emotion roller coaster, and that you know you should be choosing. But can't because your so hung up on the bad/damaged boys. (Yup, I do it. All the freaking time. I gave up the nicest boy back my first couple years in college. I mean would have treated me like a princess too. And I blew him off for a guy I was attracted to a little more, and was a bit more wild for me. Who wound up showing me a side to myself I now love, but also hate, for giving him so much of myself for so long. It has taken 4 years but I recently realized that him being such a jerk, and blowing me off so often actually protected me from all the heart ache that probably would have come if we had been in a real relationship, and not just several bad hook ups.) Anyways, I guess that's why I love Connor so much. He reminds me of what I want in a guy. But let me jut tell you. Him and Cassie are going to get an act they have to do together that to me was brilliant. I mean it ultimately lead to tragedy, but I loved how it showed some depth to both of them.
Also Connor does a pretty racier scene with Ethan, and man it kinda floored me. I mean I am not a prude in the least, but this scene had even me like a dang! Not in a bad way though. Just in a this is gonna be some interesting stuff way. I like how Leisa pushed boundaries in this book. We get to see that none of these characters are just black and white, and I think it represents how daring it is to be an actor.
Connor is the catalyst though for Past Ethan and Cassie. He is in no fault for it, but it is him that brings the story to a breaking point I think.
He also allows for us to see just how much Present Ethan has changed. How the jealous over reacting side of him has dulled down, and he is now much more confident in himself and with his relationship with Cassie. So in short. I love Connor, and he just had to be in this story. HAD to!

We also get to see Tristan, Jack, Ruby, Zoe, and Elissa in this one too. I am still all about Zoe and Jack hooking up. I think they would make a hilarious couple. Just saying hehe
Once again they bring humor to the story and give Past Cassie and Ethan the push they need at times to rekindle their relationship. I don't have a lot more to say that I didn't cover in the Broken Juliet review, other than Tristan still cracks me up. That boy is great, and I love how supportive he is to Cassie and keeps her grounded. There is a joke on opening night he presents to Present Cassie and I have to say I got strange looks from the kids I nanny when I busted out laughing.

Ok I want to touch on something that has been brought up in both books now. The idea that just because something is used and battered, and no longer in pristine condition doesn't mean it isn't just as beautiful as it originally was. It doesn't mean it's broken or any less stunning. In Bad Romeo we see it when play director Marco's Boyfriend/ Husband. Whatever the man was, I can't remember shows Present Cassie and Ethan his valued collection of glass. Most of the pieces are a bit beat up and chipped. Including some that are completely broken and smashed. He explains that that is what he loves so much a bout it. The broken pieces in particular, how even though they were broken out of rage and hurt, that someone took the time to gather all the pieces and keep them, broken and all. That it shows what it has endured, and the past it survived through. Leisa made a good connection to Ethan and Cassie being a lot like the glass and how they were both broken, but yet still had the ability to be something beautiful, scars and all. How they still cherish the pieces and save them because they have so much meaning. We see this again in Broken Juliet when Present Ethan gives Present Cassie a gift. Now I won't spoil it for you and tell you much about it. But it does the same thing as the broken glass reference. To show that beauty isn't necessarily shown by looking perfect and flawless. It's the bumps along the way that shape you, and make you who you are. And can bring out the true beauty in something. I really loved that analogy, and think it is something everyone needs to consider in their lives.

I loved this book so so much. I actually am really sad to see this is the end. I could keep reading about Cassie and Ethan forever. No lie. And yes, I am still holding out hope that I will get my spin off. Even a novella would work. Just saying hehe

I give Broken Juliet:

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bad Romeo By: Leisa Rayven


While performing the greatest love story of all time, they discovered one of their own…

Cassie Taylor was just another acting student with big dreams at her prestigious performing arts college…then she met Ethan Holt. She was the good girl actress. He was the bad boy on campus. But one fated casting choice for Romeo and Juliet changed it all. Like the characters they were playing on stage, Cassie and Ethan's epic romance seemed destined. Until it ended in tragedy when he shattered her heart.

Now they've made it to Broadway where they're reunited as romantic leads once again--and their passionate scenes force them to confront the heartbreaking lows and pulse-pounding highs of their intense college affair. For Ethan, losing Cassie was his biggest regret--and he's determined to redeem himself. But for Cassie, even though Ethan was her first and only great love, he hurt her too much to ever be trusted again. The trouble is, working with him again reminds her that people who rub each other the wrong way often make the best sparks. And when it comes to love, sometimes it's the things that aren't good for us that are the most irresistible.

Don't miss Leisa Rayven's Bad Romeo, the intoxicating romance beloved by over two million fans online--a story that'll captivate you and hold you breathless until the final page. (From B&N)

Ok so I had been dying to read this book, and just never got myself in gear to do so. I had been reading pretty nonstop this past couple months with ARC's and then just new books releasing in general.
Well Thanks to the lovely people at St. Martin's Press I was given the opportunity to receive an early copy of Broken Juliet in the mail a day or 2 ago, and well... It got me going and I started and finished this book this weekend. Not my quickest reading time, but 2 days is pretty fast when your busy both those days lol

So I guess on to the actual review now huh?
I loved this book. It was a great mix of past and present, and left me wanting to read ahead of the page I was on more than once. Rayven did a great job of presenting great contrast in her characters. Not just Ethan compared to Cassie, but past Ethan compared to present Ethan. And Past Cassie compared to present Cassie, if you get my drift. In the 3 years between the 2 time frames we see a drastic change in both characters, and I thought that added an intricate deeper level to the story. You realize why each of them is the way they are, and see why they struggle when they didn't before.
You also are able to relate better to both Ethan and Cassie through this I think. You realize that they could be just some normal couple walking down the street going through normal relationship problems like any one here in the real world would. Don't get me wrong. I love books because they push limits and give me a break from reality for a little while. But I also like it when an author can give me a story that I can possibly relate to. A story that I could sit here and say "oh this could seriously happen to me" (If I was a famous Broadway star dating a super hot other Broadway star hehe) Anywho, I love that aspect. It makes for such a greater story to follow, and much easier to sink yourself deeper into that authors world.

Ok so lets talk a little about the how the title ties into the book. Obviously we are talking Romeo and Juliet here. And as I kinda mentioned earlier as a side note. Both our star crossed lovers are actors. And not the flashy Hollywood kind, but the honest to goodness best kind of acting there is... Broadway actors. And how should these to meet and then meet again you ask? On a stage of course. Well, at least around a stage that is lol. And (Ok I'm warning you now. It is possible I am going to drop a bunch of really cliche stage terms when they fit in just a few. Just shake your heads at me and carry on hehe) 
To set the stage (See? I warned you) our weary lovers meet in drama school. Well, to tell you the truth, drama school, does not just mean on the stage either. Drama kids are dramatic (You're looking at me funny with that, well duh face aren't you?) And Ethan and Cassie are no exception. While both, at least with each other keep things pretty real and down to Earth, they too deal with a whole heap of drama. Sexual drama, stage drama, fitting in drama, abandonment drama... The list goes on and on. But what I love is how they kinda sorta help each other through it. Ethan keeps Cassie grounded and makes her realize some things about herself (cough cough, people pleaser) And Cassie helps, or well, tries to help Ethan with his commitment/abandonment issues. 
Their on stage chemistry is explosive to put it mildly, and their off stage chemistry could make the theater catch fire. 
But much like their Romeo and Juliet characters, they are doomed for tragedy. That whole the hotter you burn the faster you burn out thing kinda has some merit in this case. 
I know I'm making this sound like a bad thing. That is so far from my intention. I truly loved this story and loved how the characters chemistry was. Remember my little real life rant earlier? Well that is what I'm talking about. You can not tell me you have never had that one person you were so attracted to body and soul that it ended an explosion of epic proportions. I personally have not had that little experience yet, but I whole hardly expect it, and actually welcome it. I feel everyone deserves that kind of relationship, the kind that has so much passion you burn from the contact. No matter the hurt it causes, it shapes you, and will show you how it feels to be with the right person good or bad as it may end. (Yeah yeah, I know I sound nuts. I just really believe in that true love blah blah blah stuff) And lets all admit it, as annoying as Romeo and Juliet may be (I truly hate this play with a passion I cannot fully express in text) we still go and watch it. Read it. Listen to the old formal words and hope for an ending a little less tragic. We hope for love to conquer all. And yet we know it never will. But that is the beauty in this play being one of the focuses in this book. It is used to show that maybe. Just maybe these two can overcome that age old tragedy, and that their love can bring them back to each other. It is the contrasting factor to them. And makes for a much greater story.

Ok so I guess now that I just tried to shove my deep profound sentiment of love down your throats I should move on to the fun part of the review right? And that of course would be the characters themselves. 
So lets start with some of the supporting roles shall we? (Oh no, another kind of sort of pun hehe)
Lets go with Connor and Jack. The two guys that might actually be some of my favorite guys in the whole story. Sorry Ethan (Not sorry)
So Connor and Jack... Both boys are funny, and crazy, and make dear Cassie and Ethan come out of their shells. They are the fun in some serious moments of the book. And truly show that they care about each of them in their own ways. Particularly Connor to Cassie. Even when he knows hes the understudy he still supports her and watches out for her in any way he can. He is the sweet guy you know you should like, but can never choose because you can't get past the blinders you have for the guy that's bad for you. (I do have experience with this, God do I know this feeling. And I still wonder what things would have been like if I had made a different choice) Anyways, off my tragic love fest. Connor is great and I really loved him through the story. So that leaves Jack. The nerdy Star Wars loving geek with the big... equipment??? Oh yes I went there hehe. I actually could totally use a spin of series about him and Zoe (Hint Hint Leisa, I need that story in my life lol)
He is the character you can't help but be friends with. He always has a funny graphic tee on, and is all to willing to lay a sexual joke on ya. I luv this guy so much. (Yes I used LUV on purpose, pronounced loue-ved lol)
Ok so now that those two are covered... On to Tristan. Oh Tristan how art thou love thee! As much as I love the other 2 guys, there is just something about Tristan that makes me smile so much. He is Cassie's protector and best friend. And I love how he can go from life coach to party fiend in the same second. You can see how much he cares for his friend. And I love that he is willing to go all alpha male on Ethan if he even looks at Cassie the wrong way. Every woman should have a Tristan in their lives. Someone to be there for them, and also know how to make them laugh and pull them from their darkest depths. Plus who doesn't love the gay best friend? hehe

Ruby, Zoe, and Elissa are next on my list.
I love love loved Ruby. She is the fun loving crazy roommate every college girl should have. She is supportive but also makes sure Cassie has some fun and takes a risk here and there. Plus I loved her witty banter and ease with everyone in the group.
As I said earlier I would love to see a spin off of Zoe and Jack. Those two alone are brilliant. Zoe is the hot popular girl you love to hate. She has everything, and knows it. But as the story progressed we got to see a bit more of her, and I couldn't help myself from really liking the girl. Minus her witchy tendencies.
Last we have Elissa. She is Ethan's little sister, and voice of reason. While her and Ethan spend a lot of time fighting, everything the girl does is out of love for her brother. And she tries hard to make him feel needed and in place. Also she is a sneaky little devil and is all for team Cassthan (Does that sound right?)

Ok, So I guess I should probably talk about our leading lady now right?
Well to tell the truth. I did like Cassie but I like past Cassie better than present Cassie. And don't misconstrue my meaning. I know why present Cassie is the way she is. And I would probably be right there with her if I had experienced what she had. But I really liked how past Cassie let blind faith and love lead her. Present Cassie is much more guarded and shut off from the world. And I was sad for her, as she dealt with all the emotional baggage Ethan left in his wake. But I also kinda wanted to smack her round a little and tell her it was ok to love again. I wanted her to be happy. I guess that means Rayven did a good job in writing her character if she was able to make me really truly feel for the fictional girl. 
What I think I found most interesting about Cassie, and Ethan as well, is that they switched rolls. I said it earlier. Like way way in the beginning of this long review. But seeing both characters go through the same emotional roller coasters just at different times allowed for a more dynamic story.

And finally... Romeo. Romeo. Where for art thou Romeo?
I had a love hate relationship with Ethan. Like with Cassie I found myself drawn to one version of him. And wanting to smack some sense into the other. Although I kinda more wanted to hug past Ethan than hit him most of the time. That boy had a lot of personal stuff to deal with and I wanted to wrap him up in a big hug until he felt better. I hated how he pushed Cassie away. I wanted that girl to get so far under his skin she could make a nest and live there. Then maybe he would see how great he is, and how loving someone and letting them love you is worth the chance. Thank god and all that's holy that present Ethan pulled his head out of his you know what and finally figured that out. I found myself routing even more for the sexy actor. I wanted him to win his girl back, and to finally be happy with the person he loves with the job he always wanted. And the support system he deserves. 

This book was so good. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I first cracked it open. But I will say I was not disappointed one bit. I cannot wait to start reading Broken Juliet and plan on starting it tonight while the kids I nanny are at sports. 
Thank you Leisa Rayven for such an amazing story.
Oh and if you read this. I'm sure it's said somewhere. But I saw that this series started as Fanfic. What was it Fanfic for. I have been racking my brain to guess. And Other than the obvious in your face I feel dumb for not thinking that, was R&J. But I want to say that is not it. But if it is BRAVO. I like this version so so so much better hehe

I give Bad Romeo:

Cover Reveal: Easy Target By: Kay Thomas

Hey ya'll I am so excited to get to share the cover of Kay Thomas's new book Easy Target with ya today. Hope you like it as much as I do.
And be sure to look for the book... Coming June 9th!!


AEGIS: an elite team of ex-military men who will do anything for their country…and their women.

Fighting to clear her brother of murder, freelance reporter Sassy Smith is suddenly kidnapped and thrown into a truck with other women who are about to be sold…or worse. When she sees an opportunity for escape Sassy takes it, but she may have just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

Former Marine Bryan Fisher (aka Hollywood) is no stranger to dangerous situations, or to his best friend’s little sister. When he rescues Sassy, Bryan is determined to keep her safe…if he can keep his hands off of her. Because Sassy is all grown up and not at all like the girl he used to know. But he’s got bigger problems. And with enemies coming at them from every corner, Bryan and Sassy will need to work together if they’re going to survive.

Also, be sure to pop on over to Kay's website for more fun and details about the book :)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Blog Tour: Deep By Kylie Scott

Hey ya'll thanks for stopping by our leg of the blog tour. I can say 100% that I loved this book, and well the entire series actually. But who wouldn't love a sexy bunch of rockers huh? hehe

Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins' ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben's the only man she's ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn't looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.

Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She's his best friend's little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he's not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he's always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible...but will it lead to a connection of the heart?

Meet Ben and Lizzy on March 31st!

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“C’mon. How have you been, really? What’s been going on with you?” he pushed. I frowned at him and he frowned right back. “Liz, please.”
I groaned in defeat. “All right, I suck.”
“Why do you suck?”
“So very many reasons.” I pushed my hair back from my face—no more hiding. “Pregnancy sucks. It’s natural, my ass. I finally stop throwing up, but I’m tired all the time. Giving up coffee was horrendous. None of my clothes fit right because of these stupid breasts, and they ache constantly. I have to pee like every thirty seconds, and then to top it off, I cry every time the Healthy Hound ad comes on. It’s ridiculous”
Little wrinkles appeared either side of his nose. “You cry at a dog food ad?”
“Yes. The puppies jump all over each other to get to their mother and it’s just so beautiful, with their cute little tails wagging and everything.”
He just stared at me.
“I know its psycho, Ben. Believe me, I’m well aware of this.”
“Hey, it’s fine.” He covered a smile with his hand. Too late, the bastard.
“You try dealing with all these hormones going apeshit. Crap. Apeshoot.”
“I’m trying not to swear,” I explained. “You want the first word our child comes out with to be something bad?”
“No. Gotcha.” The man was incredibly bad at hiding a grin. “No swearing.”


Ok I just want to take a long minute to just SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!


Ok minute passed hehe...

This book was so amazing. I got into the series a little over a year ago when a friend introduced me to Lick through her Audible account. I absolutely loved the group of rockers and by the time I got to Play I was fully in love with the crazy drummer Mal. His larger than life personality kept me reading and soon enough I was dying to hear the sexy bearded bass players tale as well. Being that the main lady in this book Lizzy is the sister-in-law to the hottie drummer I knew I would get a good amount of my boy in this book too. But that was just a plus ;P

Ben has always been the more mysterious of the four rockers. We see little glimpses of him in the other three books, but only enough to know that he is the keep in the shadows type. And a huge ladies man. Ben has never found a reason to want to lived the shacked up life, and now hahaha he has a baby on the way. Talk about a shock lol. I loved seeing the laid back bass player not knowing what to do or how to handle the news Lizzy drops on him. 

Kylie Scott does a great job of once again bringing her lovable rockers to life, and I enjoy how real all the guys, and girls seem. I totally want to go to a Stage Dive show, right after I go get a tattoo out in Denver at the Marked by some hot tattoo artists hehe. *Dreamy far off look. If only my sexy book boyfriends existed lol

Ok so what is the best part of this book you ask? The smart humor between Kylie's characters. We see over and over in this series the amazing writing she produces but I have to say I think this one was my favorite in the humor department. Lizzy had me rolling more times then not, and I will have to show ya'll a pic at the end of this of my ARC. There are like a billion little post-it's where I marked the lines that made me laugh. I'm a big believer in active reading hehe. (I actually became a little manic with it these past couple weeks. I read Confess by Colleen Hoover before this one, and had a very possessed moment where I couldn't find the new stickies I had bought and just HAD to mark all the amazingness Colleen was dishing out. Same with Deep too.) Yeah weirdo book lover here;) 
Anyhoo the humor is amazing. But the thing I loved even more would have to be the style of writing in this book. While Kylie's characters all seem to have some form of text conversation here and there, a good third of this book was written in text form. I think it was a great way to show the relationship between the two and made for a much lighter teasing mood for the book. It was a way for Ben to better express himself I thought. For a man who didn't seem to say very much, he always tended to say what he was thinking through the text messages he and Lizzy sent back and forth.

Something else I liked about this book was how it bounced between past and present. Usually I get kinda annoyed by this kinda thing because it can be hard to follow sometimes, but Kylie did such a great job at it, that I found myself wanting more of each part of the story. While the books is in chronological order to the other three, it is technically the farthest into the story we have been before and picks up a few months further in the future than the third book Lead left off at. At first it left a lot of questions as to what happened between the Stage Dive crew, but soon enough all the blanks were filled in and we were caught back up to the present time. This book is also the first to really have the band on a full time tour. We got little snip it's from it as the other books progressed but as the events of the story went the tour would either get delayed for some outside reason. I liked seeing the guys on tour doing their thing. It gave us a bigger glimpse into the rock star lives they live, and helped to show just how different they were now that almost all the band was with their girls. except dumb Ben who was enjoying what he still considered the single life, even though we all know the rock god was all about him some Lizzy. 

Ok so this point isn't really a negative, more of just a  dislike. And I swear I'm not complaining because this is an intricate part of the story and was very much needed I think... but, I really hated how mad Mal and Anne were at Ben. I mean I know knocking up your best friends wife's little sister is not cool, but I really wanted to smack around my lovable drummer for getting so mad. Crap happens, and if the rolls had been switched Mal would have been defending the crap out of his actions, telling everyone that it was none of their business who he was with, and how nothing would stop him from being with who he wanted. He pretty much did that with Anne, but hey who's mentioning that lol.
Like I said though, I understand the need for them to be that way, and I really don't think the book would be the same without Anne's quick whit when it came to and I quote "The bearded wonder" or even better yet "The Sperminator". Their disdain for said bearded wonder gave the story a much more complex story line and worked as a whole to make Ben and Lizzy's relationship deeper, and more complicated. (No pun intended)

Something else about this book that I really enjoyed was Lizzy herself. Until this book Lena so far had been my favorite of Kylie's female cast, but I think Lizzy has almost tied for that spot. Her character had me laughing so many times it made for me reading in public almost impossible. I can even admit to being caught out at the kids I nanny's softball practice grinning like a moron. Here I am reading this book with this sexy half clothed rocker on it at a ten year old's practice smiling like a complete fool. Needless to say the mom that saw gave me this really weird look and it took everything in me not to want to turn tale and run to the bathroom or something to hide. I must have been about 5 shades of red afterwards.
Something else that made Lizzy so great was that she was relatable to me. While the other girls are not old, the other three are a bit older than then Lizzy, well except Ev back during Lick who was twenty one. But to me Ev never seemed that young. She had a maturity about her that always made her seem much older. Lizzy is the same age as me, going through college in a fairly similar track as me, and I just found myself relating so much more to her. Between her texting style, sarcasm, and fiery temper I felt myself going "you go girl" on more than one occasion. Plus her trying to rain in the cursing so "Bean", her unborn baby wouldn't come out swearing like a sailor made me giggle. I live with my sisters three kids and do the exact thing around them. And let me tell you, as a twenty one year old who lived on her own before moving in with small children who repeat everything you say, that is a ridiculously hard habit to break. Like I said, I have a similar temper to Lizzy when I get mad and just felt like her character was the walking embodiment of a lot of what I experience in day to day life. I love how Kylie can create such realistic characters. It makes the novels so much more relatable and I fall in love with her characters the more I get of them.

Ok your probably wondering why I had a gush session for Lizzy, I mean I know my normal style is to have some long butt paragraph for my love of the males and it's coming, because I loved Ben. I just felt like in this one I actually found myself more drawn to Lizzy, plus my love is Mal and hey I can't be cheating on him with Ben, no matter how sexy hehe.

So... On to Ben. The first thing I would like to point out is that this cover while extremely hot, and sexy, does Ben no justice at all. The guy has a full beard and a man bun at times for crying out loud and I kinda wish the cover model did too *pout.
But like I said whoever that tattooed beauty is on the cover, I do not disapprove of you, just wish you had a bit more hair present. You go sexy man model, I give you permission to come knocking any day ;P

Well, now that that is through back to Ben. I have never really had a whole lot of love for the facial hair thing, but after reading this book I am dying to get my hands on someone with it. And all these pictures Kylie keeps posting on her Facebook page are doing me in. I mean those men are sexy! and I so approve of the man bun now. Thank you Kylie for opening my world to the wonders of facial hair and buns lol.
I love how easy going Ben is though. The man lets everything just roll off him, ok maybe not the best way to go abut things when considering you got someone knocked up, but other than that it works. He is the one guy in the band that really enjoys his life, and what he does. He never lets things get to him and I love the spark I see when he starts talking about his music and love for it. I mean I know he's fictional and all, but we rarely see someone who truly enjoys what they do for a living, and it was refreshing to see someone so dedicated and getting pure joy from it. Although let it be noted that while that is great and all the boy needed to pull his head out of you know where and get his crap together when it came to Lizzy. While he was doing the right thing staying away from her because of his dedication to his best friend, I wanted him to really show Lizzy how he truly felt. You could see how much he was falling for her and I hated that he held back so much. I am definitely the shipper in my group of friends, and make it my life's mission to put people together. So I was dying not being able to push those two into each others arms.
So I feel the need to point this out just because, but I love that Ben was older than Lizzy. I myself tend to go for the older of men and liked that while there was a pretty significant age gap, Ben never took advantage of it. He didn't treat Lizzy like a little girl and I got all warm and fuzzy over the sexy older man acting as he did, when he wasn't being a fool about his woman. 

Ok so just a warning for those of you who follow this series. The witch is back! *Tune from Wizard of Oz played now 
(Insert Capital B in place of W, gotta keep this review somewhat clean so Amazon won't boot my review... Again)

Hurry quick someone get a bucket of water to throw on her. 

So because we are dealing with a story about Ben, it is only fitting that his Wicked Witch of New York sister came back into the picture. Martha is back and in even better form from her appearance in Lick. I mean talk about wanting to punch someone, that chick needs a swift kick to the head. Except for the end of Deep, ya'll will see. I think that may have been the only time i actually liked the girl. Other than that, what I wouldn't give to see the girl get his with a lightning bolt or something. 
But I must say I am intrigued about a spin off story about her. Kylie does the lovely job of sparking a very interesting possible romance for the witch and now I want to see it play out. Evil author for leaving me hanging like that lol
So I'm sure you can already tell, but over all this book was amazing, and I am so sad to see it end. I love the Stage Dive crew and would read books about them forever. But I guess like everything all good things must come to an end. Although I am calling serious shenanigans and will raise holy hell to get more of The Witch and a certain security guards story *Hint Hint Kylie lol
These book are one of my favorites and I just want to say thanks Kylie for writing such amazing characters and giving us such great books. It really was a great ride and I cannot wait to see what you have planned next.

I give Deep: 5 STARS

Stage Dive Series Reading Order
Lick (Book One)
Barnes & Noble:
Play (Book Two)
Barnes & Noble:
Lead (Book Three)
Barnes & Noble:
Deep (Book Four)

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Amazon UK:

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About the Author:
Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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