Thursday, September 25, 2014

Heart Of Light By: T.K. Leigh

Hey ya'll
So I told you I would have the review for Heart Of Light Posted today, and here it is. 

Twelve years ago, Jolene's adoptive mother died. Twelve years ago, a man showed up at Jolene's door and promised to take care of her. Twelve years ago, Jolene was happy. Then it all changed...

Jolene Bergio has spent the last twelve years of her life asking one question... Why? Why was she left in the custody of a man who would sell her each and every night to the highest bidder? After a few years, she shut off, giving up hope that anyone would ever find her. Until her luck changed one night and she escaped.

Twelve years later, she finally feels something she hasn't felt in a long time... Free.


Scared that her past will find her unexpectedly, she hides away in a rented beach house, trying to distance herself from everyone... Until Dr. Cameron Bowen enters her world and slowly tears down the walls that she has built up over the past twelve years of her captivity. Jolene begins to learn to love again.

And trust again.

But when a man from Jolene's past emerges, will she be able to keep her identity hidden? When lies are told and hearts are broken, will the truth surface in time to bring Jolene back from the shadows that threaten to expose who she really is?

Heart of Light is a captivating story of love, strength, and survival.

All I have to Say are good things about this book.

T.K. Leigh does a stunning job of bringing to light some issues that we as a society try to pretend doesn't happen.
I'm sure many of you have heard of human trafficking problems that have occurred in foreign countries. What many don't know or choose not to think about is the terror of human trafficking on our own soil. Because if you don't think about it, then it isn't happening? Right? Well this is a problem, and a book like this is just what was needed to open our eyes to such a horrific issue.

In 2012 alone there were over 20,000 calls reporting human trafficking alone in the United States.
*5% of calls made were about women. 
I don't know about you but this information is scary. And it is something that we all need to be aware of. Not only to stop what is already happening but to be aware that it is a problem and find ways to prevent it from getting worse.

Leigh not only does justice to this abhorrent topic, but also writes a beautiful story. I fell in love with Cam back during her Beautiful Mess series, and could not wait to read his story. While I did know Cam from previous reading, Jolene was a new addition to the story. I have to say that she might be one of my favorite heroins too. While her and Cam both have personal problems to deal with, the chemistry that blooms between them is absolutely sizzling and sweet in the best way possible.

With a book like this having such a dark topic it sometimes is hard to see past the initial shock of it. But with such a great story line it is easy to lose yourself in the stunning romance that is Cam and Jolene. While he tries to break down all her walls, she is working at letting a man into her life for the first time. And that sure as hell isn't an easy thing to do. While dealing with these things there are also outside forces acting against them. Jolene's past is fighting tooth and nail to be in her future and it or should I say he will stop at nothing to have her back in his clutches. 
I think the mix of sweet and tender, and thrilling on your toes suspense was great. It offered everything a good book should. I love it when a story can draw you in so fully and you can't escape it. It completely captivates you, and you are left waiting to see what will happen. Or in my case going a straight 48 hours with no sleep because you stay awake finishing said book hehe

This book is written very similarly to her Beautiful mess series in that it is written from an outside perspective. We get to see in all of the characters head at any given time, instead of getting only one perspective or maybe two that other books give. You get a chance to understand everyone in the stories thoughts and feelings to a situation and it gives you a deeper understanding of what is going on. While it is not a typical writing norm at least for many of the books I read, it works. You get every aspect and every angle. Plus you get to really see hwy a character acts or reacts to a particular thing happening. To me it really adds to the story. When you have a book written like this you loose the need to have something else to fill in the blanks like a novella. You see the way the secondary characters play their part in the story and get to see inside the heads of both main characters to see how they react to each other and to the threats and problems that occur. Overall it just makes it a great read, and gives you a 360 degree view of the story. I will admit though that way back when when I started reading the Beautiful Mess series it did take some time to get use to. But that has long since past before even picking up this book.

So lets talk characters. I love the dynamics in this book. While Jolene and Cam our the main focus Leigh's secondary characters offer just as much to the story. When looking at the dark side of things we have Falconi and the nasty Senator Murphy, along with Elsie and Benny who bring the light hearted and fun side. You are given characters that completely contrast with one another and yet play such huge parts in Jolene and Cam's lives. Besides who doesn't love seeing a story with a great bad guy, and some spunky friends willing to help. They add dimension to the story, and show how everyone is effected by even the littlest of things. The addition to of these characters also give you a small reprieve from the main story line. You get these small  little side stories that eventually all work to give you the overall picture, but at the time give you a break from drama, or intensity. For me a secondary character can almost be more important to a story. They help fill the gaps and give us something to relate to the characters. They make them seem more real. Even the smaller role of the housekeeper who helps Jolene gives us some needed back story to Jolene so we can better understand her. It all comes back to that dimension stuff I mentioned earlier.

Well what would a character discussion be with out the main ones?
So with that said Cam! Cam! Cam!
The sexy surfer we all came to love is back!!! (screams from excitement) While my heart broke for him when Olivia choose Alex I just couldn't see them together in the long run. Of course that could be because at the time I had my Alexander Burnham goggles on hehe. Any who now that he has a new girl in his life it is all good. We once again get to see the kind compassionate person this hottie therapist is. Not only that, but we get a glimpse at some more into his past. We get to see a bit of why he is who he is today. Like I said I loved Cam from from the start and was ecstatic when I found out he would have his very own book. I was definitely on team Alex before because of circumstances with that whole series but to be able to see both sexy men with people they love is great. I wanted to see him heal and be able to move on, to find his happiness instead of just helping others find theirs. He is such a sweetie, and shows so much passion for things and the people he cares about. And he is HOT HOT HOT to boot, so hey that's like a big ol' plus ;)

I also really enjoyed Jolene's character. She is smart and caring, but damaged in ways from her past. Seeing her really break open and let Cam in at least a little was truly great. She grew so much from the start of the book and we really were given the chance to see her inner strength. While being a victim in such a terrible crime I loved that she never fully broke. She was able to still make friends and better herself. So often we see victims of any crime not speak out or do anything to change their lives. But Jolene did just that, she showed strength in leaving and in many other ways. She gives us what we all want. HOPE. She was great and I am so happy to see her worm her way into Cam's heart. She is just the thing he needs.

I truly suggest to all of you, if you haven't had a chance to get this book yet go get it. It truly is fast paced, thrilling, and deeply romantic. T.K. Leigh writes some wonderful things and I think once you pick up one of her books you will want them all.

*****I give this book 5 stars.*****

I know that throughout this review I mentioned the Beautiful Mess series. While Heart Of Light is a stand alone I really encourage you to read the BM series first. You will have a better understanding of Cam and some of the beginning of the book will make a tad more sense. Plus I know ya'll will just love Alex and Olivia :)


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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blog Tour: Heart Of Light By: T.K. Leigh

HOL Banner 1

Ok ya'll this has been one of those tours I have been waiting for. I feel in love with T.K. Leigh's books back when all she had was her Beautiful Mess series. She writes beautifully and I have to say things have only gotten better with her new book Heart of Light.

While this book is a stand alone, we got the pleasure of meeting one of its main characters in  A tragic Wreck (book 2 of Beautiful Mess series) Cam. This is his story along with Jolene's and if you have read the other you probably have been dying to know what happened to the sexy surfer.


Title: Heart of Light
Author: T.K. Leigh
Release Date: August 25, 2014
Genre: Romantic Suspense

RECOMMENDED FOR AGES EIGHTEEN AND UP DUE TO EXPLICIT SEXUAL SITUATIONS, STRONG LANGUAGE, AND GRAPHIC VIOLENCE. Twelve years ago, Jolene’s adoptive mother died. Twelve years ago, a man showed up at Jolene’s door and promised to take care of her. Twelve years ago, Jolene was happy. Then it all changed… Jolene Bergio has spent the last twelve years of her life asking one question… Why? Why was she left in the custody of a man who would sell her each and every night to the highest bidder? After a few years, she shut off, giving up hope that anyone would ever find her. Until her luck changed one night and she escaped. Twelve years later, she finally feels something she hasn’t felt in a long time… Free. Scared that her past will find her unexpectedly, she hides away in a rented beach house, trying to distance herself from everyone… Until Dr. Cameron Bowen enters her world and slowly tears down the walls that she has built up over the past twelve years of her captivity. Jolene begins to learn to love again. And trust again. But when a man from Jolene’s past emerges, will she be able to keep her identity hidden? When lies are told and hearts are broken, will the truth surface in time to bring Jolene back from the shadows that threaten to expose who she really is? Heart of Light is a captivating story of love, strength, and survival.


I got the great pleasure of getting to do an interview with T.k. Leigh for the tour.
So here it is ya'll

  • What was the process like getting your book to become a reality? Getting an agent, signing with a publisher if you have one, etc…

I'm an indie author, so I never sent query letters or sought out an agent. I simply had a story I wanted to tell and decided to publish. I would have been happy if 10 people bought my book. It wasn't until my first book, A Beautiful Mess, achieved a modicum of success that I signed with an agent, who sought me out. When I first published, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't even know what a street team was. I still feel somewhat lost navigating this indie world, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Do you have an author you completely fan girl over? If so who?

Not really. I guess if there's any that I would, it would be Hunter S. Thompson, but sadly, he's no longer with us.
  • Out of all your characters who were your favorite to write? Who was also the hardest to write?

I loved writing Jolene from "Heart of Light". It was refreshing to be able to write such a strong, independent woman. The hardest character for me to write was Jack, from my Beautiful Mess series. For those that have read the series, you know why.
  • What was your favorite scene to write in Heart of Light?

It's hard to pick a favorite scene, but I'd have to say the end of the book. I had no idea how it was going to end, but I knew I was on the last chapter, as I had already wrapped everything up. I wrote the last line, wondering to myself where I was going to go from there, and I looked at what I had just written and knew that nothing else needed to be said. It brought the book and Jolene and Cam's relationship full circle.
  • Where did your inspiration to write Heart of Light come from?

I actually wanted to paint the issue of human trafficking in a more realistic light than it has been in many dark romance novels that are out there. I know the forbidden is always intriguing, but having worked in the legal field, I wanted people to open up their eyes to the fact that this is a growing problem not just in third world countries, but in our own back yard. Many readers have contacting me, thanking me for writing this book as they had no idea something as horrific and brutal as human trafficking was happening here in the US. So that was my inspiration.
  • Ok, so I know you have a couple new books you’re working on right now. Is there anything fun you can or would be willing to share from one of those new books?

Actually, yes. In Heart of Light, Cam is the main character. He tells Jolene a story about his sister, Marley. My next book is Heart of Marley and is a prequel of sorts to Heart of Light, but it is a stand alone. It begins with the story that Cam told in Heart of Light and progresses through his senior year of high school...

******** So I'll share Cam's first kiss. ;-) ********

She kept her gaze glued to mine and nodded. Her lips parted slightly and her sweet breath caressed my skin. Nothing I had ever experienced in my life felt as warm and inviting as having Brianna’s body pressed against mine.
“Cam…” she exhaled.
“Bri…” I replied, my voice soft as my eyes roamed her angelic face from her big brown eyes, to her small button-like nose, and finally settled on her full, pouty lips, wondering what they tasted like.
“What are you waiting for?”
My eyes grew wide in shock, confusion, and probably lust, too. “What do you mean?”
She titled her head toward me, her lips just a breath away from my neck. “Kiss me, Cam. I know you want to. Or, at least, I think you want to. Do you want to?” she asked, her face flashing red in embarrassment.
“Of course. Do you want to, though? I mean, I don’t want you to want to kiss me just because you think I want to kiss you. If you don’t, I’m okay with not kissing you. Well, I’m not okay. It’ll suck to not kiss you when I’ve been thinking about it since freshman year, but you don’t have to want to kiss me if you don’t want to.”
She ran her fingers through my hair and my heart beat increased dramatically. “I want you to kiss me,” she said, a wide grin on her face. “And I plan on kissing you back.” The most adorable scowl crossed her face. “I’m not so sure there should be this much discussion before a first kiss, Cam. It takes the spontaneity out of it a bit, don’t you think?”
“Can I get a do-over?” I asked.
She nodded her head, smiling excitedly. “Help me up and then you can catch me again.”
“Okay,” I said, raising her body. “I just hope I can still salvage our first kiss.” I winked at her.
“I have faith that you can, Cameron,” her sweet voice assured me. “Are you ready to catch me?”
I met her eyes. “I’ll always catch you when you fall.”
She swooned in a dramatic manner, falling into my arms. My eyes roamed to her lips as she moistened them with her tongue. Lowering my head toward hers, I kept my hand firmly planted on the small of her back, holding her in place. I brushed my lips against hers and she moved against me in perfect synchronicity. Sliding my tongue against her lips, she opened her mouth in response. Our tongues met and I couldn’t remember ever feeling so aroused.
I ran my hand down the contours of her frame, holding on to her hip and bringing her body further into mine. I felt her shiver and her breathing increased as my tongue continued to caress hers. Pulling back, I knew I needed to stop before I could no longer hide my need for her.

******** end ********
  • So you have a background in the law field, what made you decide to become a writer as well as work in law?

I'm lucky that I now get to write full time. I'm not so sure it was any one thing that led me to pursue this. I always say they don't really teach you the law in law school. They teach you how to write. They expect you to learn the law once you're out in the field practicing. I worked in the legal field for a while, but I never went to law school to be a lawyer. I just wanted an advanced degree. I am a member of the California State Bar, but once I moved out to California, I started producing. I was working on a pretty boring project one day while the hubs was out of town, baby-sitting tape decks, essentially, and a story popped in my head, so I decided to write it down. And Mr. Burnham was born. I couldn't be happier with the direction that this life has taken me. I'm able to do something I truly love to do, and I get to go to signings and meet my amazing readers. I'm truly blessed.
  • Star Wars or Star Trek?

I've never seen Star Trek (which is funny because the hubs used to work on that show) so I'll abstain from answering. ;-)
  • If you could pick a book boyfriend from any book who would you choose?

Jay Gatsby was my first book boyfriend so I'll stick with him.
  • So I know music plays a huge part in your writing process, why is this, and what have been some of the most influential songs so far? I know I personally have a very close relationship to music and it has helped me express many things in my life so I completely understand the connection to music and writing.

I grew up around music. There's something so emotional about matching words to melody. Music can convey feelings in a way that words alone can't. So I try to draw on the emotions I feel from certain songs and relay those into the books themselves. I get inspiration from story lines from songs, too. In fact, the inspiration for the characters Olivia and Alexander came from the song "Beneath Your Beautiful." The story of "Heart of Light" was somewhat inspired by Sara Bareilles "Once Upon Another Time" - well, at least the feeling behind that song helped me come up with the character Jolene. When I have a playlist for each of my books, and it's really a huge inspiration to be able to listen to certain songs and develop a story based on these emotions.
  • Do you travel at all to help with getting a setting right in your books?

So far, all of the locations in my books have been places I've been to. I do have a lot more books planned and the settings are places I have yet to go so I do plan to head to these places to get a feel for them. One book will be set in Costa Rica. Work, work, work. ;-)
  • Ok last question, if you had a chance to rewrite anything in the series would you? And what would it be?

No. I wouldn't rewrite anything. After I finish the rough draft of all my manuscripts, I step back and let the story simmer for at least a month. So that gives me time to reflect on what I've written and time to decide whether I want the story to go in a different direction. I'm thrilled with the way everything in my books has turned out.

Thank you to the lovely T.K. Leigh for the interview. I hope you all enjoyed her answers as much as I did :)

I will also have my review of Heart of Light Posted for ya'll tomorrow. I was going to originally post it now, but with so much already on this post I figured I would break it into 2 and give you something to look forward to tomorrow

Heart Of Light Teaser 1

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“Why don’t you like being touched?” he asked quietly in a bold move. Jolene stopped dead in her tracks, glaring at him. “I just don’t, alright?” she hissed, her voice raised. “And it’s none of your fucking business why I act the way I do. I see what you’re trying to do, Doctor.” She spun around and stormed back toward the house, wanting to get far away from his prying, yet consoling, eyes. “What, Jolene? What am I doing? I just want to get to know you. I want to spend time with you, and I need to know why certain things set you off so that I don’t do them!” He ran along the shore, catching up to her, stopping short when he almost reached out and grabbed her arm to force her to talk to him. Feeling him approach behind her, she reeled around. The expression on her face was fierce. “You’ve been a therapist for far too long. You need to get it out of your head that you can help me.” The ocean wind whipped her hair in front of her face and her voice rose in anger. “You can’t! No one can! So just stop! Stop taking an interest in me! Stop with the whole nice guy act because, based on my experience, that’s all it is!” she cried through her tears, her voice becoming barely audible. “A fucking act.” She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them, the pain of what she had experienced the past decade of her life visible in the look of unease on her face. She took a step closer, her eyes remaining glued to Cam’s. “You show up on my doorstep acting like my savior when the world has gone to shit. You tell me how you’ll look after me and protect me. And you know what those are?” She could see the hurt that her words were causing him, but she didn’t care. “Lies, Cam,” she said quietly. “Just lies. You say you’ll help me and watch over me, but you’ll turn. I can’t… I can’t go through that again. Please. I beg you. Just stay away from me.” She spun around and began walking briskly away from him. “You don’t have to do this, Jolene!” he shouted, running to catch up with her. “You don’t have to choose fear.” “Yes, I do,” she insisted, turning to face him once more. “It’s the only way that he won’t…” “You can choose me instead,” he interrupted. Her breath caught at his unexpected reply. “Cam, I…” She trailed off, hiding her tear-filled eyes. “Don’t let your fear control you, Jolene,” he implored, his voice soft. He brought his body close to hers. “Please, choose me, not fear.”

T.K. LeighAbout the Author:
T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is the USA Today Best Selling author of the Beautiful Mess series. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre. When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

Heart Of Light Teaser 2

Here are some links so you can check out her Beautiful Mess series. Where we first get to meet Cam ;)

ABM Cover

ATW Cover

GC Cover

$100 Amazon Gift Card, (10) Signed Paperback of Heart of Light


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Release Day Blitz: Caught In The Act (Independence Falls #2) By: Sara Jane Stone

The second book in steamy “Independence Falls” series from contemporary romance writer Sara Jane Stone.

Book Two: Independence Falls
Sara Jane Stone

Falling for his rivals’ little sister could cost him everything …

No one writes about passionate and forbidden love quite like Sara Jane Stone. Readers that loved the series’ first installment, Full Exposure, will not be able to resist this sexy follow up. The Independence Falls gang is back in Caught in the Act (Avon Impulse | on-sale September 16th, 2014 | ISBN: 9780062337597) and the romantic and sexual tension is higher than ever. This time, the book focuses on Liam Trulane, brother of Georgia Trulane, the first book’s female lead.

For Liam, failure is not an option. He is determined to win a place in Katie Summers’ life before she leaves Independence Falls for good. But first, he needs to make amends for the last time they got down and dirty.

Only problem? His professional success hinges on striking a deal to buy Katie’s family business. And after Liam’s relationship with their Katie went south years ago, the Summers brothers are more enemy than friend. If both parties agree to set the past aside, they can close the deal. But when Katie welcomes him back into her bed, Liam risks everything to make Katie his.

After Liam betrayed her trust, Katie Summers will do anything to keep him from walking away with the family business. She decides to seduce Liam, knowing that when her brothers find out, they will back off from the deal. And she’ll finally have her revenge. But when her plan spirals out of control, Katie learns that payback might come at too high a price…

Caught in the Act features many of the same characters you grew to love in Full Exposure. Sara Jane Stone once again proves that romance can be exciting anywhere—even in a small town like Independence Falls.

About the Author:
After several years on the other side of the publishing industry, Sara Jane Stone bid goodbye to her sales career to pursue her dream—writing romance novels. Sara Jane currently resides in Brooklyn, New York with her very supportive real-life hero, two lively young children and a lazy Burmese cat. Visit her online at or find her on Facebook at Sara Jane Stone.

Join Sara Jane’s newsletter to receive new release information, news about contests, giveaways, and more! To subscribe, visit and look for her newsletter entry form.        

Praise for Full Exposure:
“This very hot and sexy book is a steaming read with an excellent story line . . . COMMAND PERFORMANCE is my first by Sara Jane Stone, but not the last!”
- Fresh Fiction

“The steamy side of this couple will definitely keep readers turning the pages.”
-Library Journal

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Monday, September 15, 2014

Cover Reveal: Wicked By: Jennifer L. Armentrout

You guys have got to see this amazing cover. I think I may be in love lol. It is great. Did you know that the shoot was done underwater? Yup and it looks stunning. Can't wait for this book to be out!!!!!!!!!

Holy cow, y'all! We are so excited to bring you the Cover Reveal for Jennifer L. Armentrout's WICKED! WICKED is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Wicked Trilogy. It is being released on December 8th, 2014. So make sure you pre-order it today!!



Wicked Synopsis:
Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans. Twenty-two year old Ivy Morgan isn’t your average college student. She, and others like her, know humans aren’t the only thing trolling the French Quarter for fun… and for food. Her duty to the Order is her life. After all, four years ago, she lost everything at the hands of the creatures she’d sworn to hunt, tearing her world and her heart apart. Ren Owens is the last person Ivy expected to enter her rigidly controlled life. He’s six feet and three inches of temptation and swoon-inducing charm. With forest-green eyes and a smile that’s surely left a stream of broken hearts in its wake, he has an uncanny, almost unnatural ability to make her yearn for everything he has to offer. But letting him in is as dangerous as hunting the cold-blooded killers stalking the streets. Losing the boy she loved once before had nearly destroyed her, but the sparking tension that grows between them becomes impossible for Ivy to deny. Deep down, she wants… she needs more than what her duty demands of her, what her past has shaped for her. But as Ivy grows closer to Ren, she realizes she’s not the only one carrying secrets that could shatter the frail bond between them. There’s something he’s not telling her, and one thing is for certain. She’s no longer sure what is more dangerous to her—the ancient beings threatening to take over the town or the man 
demanding to lay claim to her heart and her soul.   

Author PhotoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: 
 # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Author Interview: Michael Hammor Author Of Bedtime Tales From The Apocalypse

Hey ya'll
So I am sure in the past few days many of you have heard all about a particular author who had a meltdown via Facebook (We shall call her "She Who Shall Not Be Named"). It really does make me sad to see an author care so little for her readers and fans, and I know as a blogger I have had to email and ask many a questions to authors. If any of them answered back the way "She Who Shall Not Be Named" is answering I think I would never contact another author again. And that folks is plain sad.

Well in the middle of all the social media drama that went down that day I happened upon a post that absolutely cracked me up. Many of you probably saw the post I made on FB sharing it, but if you haven't seen it I'm sure I can dig it up. 
The post I'm referring to is that by Michael Hammor, who in the middle of all the "She Who Shall Not Be Named" drama decided to treat everyone that would email him to 2 of his books for free to show his appreciation for readers. 

Well I emailed him. And after sending several messages back and forth he volunteered to do an interview with me. 
But before I get to that let me share a little about his books with you

Bedtime Tales From The Apocalypse
Earth: a nearly dead world. The deserts in what used to be the southwestern United States expand as the polar ice caps claim ever more territory. No one notices because almost no one is left. Selfishness, pride, and arrogance have destroyed this once vibrant world. For the few humans remaining, the world has stopped being about fashion, IPods, fast food, and the internet. Now it’s about survival. Surviving the elements, each other, and worse. The Veil is torn. Whatever ended the world shredded the barriers that separated Us from Them. Now, Legends and Nightmares walk among us. Some are here to save us, others are here to drag us down to Hell. The Apocalypse, the end of days, it doesn’t matter what it’s called or what broke the world. Its broken and humans are no longer in charge. Welcome to the Apocalypse!

Book 1: The Girl With No Name:
In a post apocalyptic world a lone girl is ambushed under an overpass. A coyote follows her. The Boss can't wait to meet her. Read the exciting introductory short story to the series, Bedtime Tales From The Apocalypse, today.

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Book 2: Aluminum Butterflies:
In a post apocalyptic world a lone girl wanders the American southwest searching for revenge. The Boss has placed a price on her head. Read the exciting follow on short story to the series, Bedtime Tales From The Apocalypse, today.

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Book 3: By Lantern's Light:
In a post apocalyptic world a lone girl has to make a difficult decision; give up her quest of personal vengeance and join forces with the Mayor of Huachuca City, or Dance with the Dawn. Read the engaging third installment to the series, Bedtime Tales From The Apocalypse.

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So just to let ya'll know I have not personally read these books yet but I am planning on it. Plus Michael seems like a really super guy and hey if I can support an author and help get their name and books out there I will. The readers are the most important part in an authors world, and I think that one fact right there was what caused so many problems to begin with. "She Who Shall Not Be Named" forgot that one simple thing and because of her outburst it caused many of her readers, future readers, and fellow authors to lose respect for her, and thus began the bashing and side comments by some.
Like I said before though I kinda just stumbled on Michael Hammor during all this though and while some see his offer as opportunistic I see it as a way of making a bad thing good. Why not show readers kindness when things are craptastic. And hey if you get a bit of free publicity all the better for you. It to me is no different then the authors that PM me asking to share their info and books on our Facebook page.

So here is my interview with him

  • What is the most important things to you as a writer that you want to convey to the people who read your books?

The most important things I want to convey with my work are foremost, entertainment, and secondly, to look deeper into the story. It’s fine to read for entertainment but in almost every fine book that I have read, there has been a message. Let’s use the revamped Battle Star Galactica for an example. I know it’s a TV show, but it was very well written and complex. SPOILER ALERT. They spent the entire series running from the murderous Cylons and searching for Earth. As it turns out the Earth they were looking for wasn't a place, it was an acceptance of self. They weren't fighting and running from Cylons, they were trying to escape their own dark nature. If you look at the main plot points as a metaphor, it is very profound and deep. In the end, they accepted their dark nature, and by accepting it, negated it as a threat. Only then, when they were complete, did they find the peace they sought. I want to entertain my readers, but also explore deep and profound ideas. I am always curious to hear what my readers think my message is.

  • With all of the “She Who Shall Not Be Named” drama that has been blowing up Facebook the past couple days you made, in my opinion, a great post telling upset readers to email you and that you would give them 2 of your books as a way of showing how much you cared. What made you go ahead and decide to do this?

Initially I was very angry. I am an avid reader. I have corresponded with some of my favorite authors since beginning my own writing career. At the worst they were merely cold and professional. I have an extensive customer service background and I know how to treat people. What that author did was akin to slapping a four year old because they asked for a drink. I can only imagine what that poor person felt, seeing their question had sparked such an outrageous response. I decided that an angry response wasn't the appropriate way to handle the situation. I thought ‘If she doesn't want her readers, I do!’ I didn't do this for money, I did it to reassure the reader that authors appreciate them. If one person stops reading because of what she said, its tragic. I don’t charge a lot for my books. My greatest joy is actually giving them away for free. When people have a response to your free book, you know it is true and genuine. They haven’t invested money. I think that sometimes when people purchase a book they are reluctant to acknowledge that it’s bad because they feel like they wasted their money. This author is going to see a dramatic decrease in her sales. Her die hard fans were trying to make excuses for her, saying she’s human, she had a bad day, and calling me names. Very mature. There is no excuse for treating her readers like that. She showed her true colors; how she really feels about her customer base. Can you imagine if this tirade happened at a live book signing event?

  • Do you think that something like this drama will have a lasting effect on the book community as a whole, and that readers will be more leery to approach authors now?

Unfortunately, those that have knowledge of this event may be reluctant to contact an author directly for fear of just this sort of response. Readers, don’t be shy! I know many authors that would love to answer questions from readers, short of revealing our stories or secrets. I love live events for just this reason. I get to talk to people, answer questions, and hear what they think is happening in my books. I mostly encounter potential readers, but I have had a few fans approach me. Some of their insights were interesting and insightful. In several cases, they found things that I didn't even know were in there, but overall enhanced the basic message this series is trying to convey. I missed the last trade show in my town. The organizer messaged me stating that I HAVE to come to the next one. People were asking where I was. That is awesome!

  • What is something that you answer daily or most often from your readers?
The question I get most often is why the Girl doesn’t have a name. I have not revealed her name to anyone except my wife and my editor. Her name reveal in Book 6 is a pivotal part of the series. There are hints along the way. I can tell you why she doesn’t have a name, just not what it is. She considers herself a monster, in her eyes she isn’t a person anymore. She doesn’t deserve to live. Her only goal is revenge. She died when her family was killed. The other question I get a lot is why my books are so short. My books are short because I am writing a serial novel in six parts. Once they are all done, I will combine them and add some expanded content and release it as a full novel. There will eventually be three full length novels in the series. I have started on the fourth book. I am shooting for around fourteen thousand words for each of the last three parts.

  • Do you think that it is the author’s responsibility to answer “repetitive or frivolous questions”?
I would not call it a responsibility to answer every question. It is a responsibility to ensure your readers are treated with respect and dignity. A year ago I was a civilian contract instructor at a military base. I trained soldiers in the same job that I performed when I was deployed. I literally answered the same questions, sometimes within seconds of the last one, thousands of times a month. Is it frustrating? Yes. Should you lash out at someone asking you for help? No! I have seen instructors walked out of the classroom and fired for the same behavior that the author displayed. If you find yourself answering the same questions over and over, in any field, you should write a Frequently Asked Questions list or FAQ. This will save you time and frustration. I like to help people so I don’t mind answering questions. One time during the holidays I made the mistake of going to a big box store with a red ball as the logo. I was wearing a red polo shirt and my name badges from work. A lady asked me a question about the vacuum cleaners. I spent forty five minutes with her helping her pick one out based on price and capability. I was a janitor in a past life and I appreciate a capable vacuum. Eventually I had to excuse myself to conclude my own shopping. The lady was shocked. She thought I worked there! She asked me why I would spend so much time helping her pick out a vacuum cleaner. I replied that it was common courtesy and picking out the right vacuum was very important and something I was a bit of an expert on. The sad part is that it shocked her. It should be common place. If you are an author, and you have such a volume of readers clamoring for your attention that you can’t write… then get on your knees and thank Jesus! If you can’t answer with a polite and respectful response, just don’t respond at all.

  • What pays your salary? (Sorry this one is to more make a point about a part of one of those posts that “She Who Shall Not Be Named” made, not to just be all up in your business)
Sadly, I am currently unemployed. The white house administration has drastically cut funding for the military. They laid off over fifty of us from just my course alone. These cuts happened in many departments. Now, nearly twelve months later we are living in an RV in the desert. Due to the cuts on the military post we are seeing businesses shut their doors in my small town. Unemployment is rampant. The most recent job I had was digging ditches for a swimming pool company. It was hot, hard work. I’m not 19 years old anymore. Two weeks into the job they laid me off, too. They were out for work for me. Orders for new pools or repairs and upgrades were at the lowest point they had ever seen in their 35 year history. I didn’t really mind as the work was wrecking my body. It would sometimes be over a hundred degrees with no shade or even a breeze. It was hard, but I felt blessed to even have that kind of a job. Now we exist off of food stamps and the kindness of strangers in our town. They have been very supportive and we have had people randomly show up at the RV and stuff it with food. My daughter goes to school wearing clothes purchased by strangers out of the goodness of their hearts. It is very humbling but also uplifting. This whole experience has restored my faith in humanity. I will never be able to pay these people back. Some of them haven’t even told me their names. The only thing I can do is pay it forward when things are better for us.
As far as income from my books, honestly, there isn't much. While I have extensive writing experience from my time in Military Intelligence, no one knows me from jack in the literary world. I sell my books as cheaply as I can. Purchasing a book from a new and unknown author is a huge risk for a reader. I have purchased books before that were so bad that I filed for a refund. Right now I am concentrating on building my fan base. I am not looking to get famous or rich. I just want to be able to support my family at a level slightly above destitution. I expect that I will see more attention and sales when the novelization of this first series is complete. Writing for me is something I do to keep my sanity. I enjoy it. It calms and soothes me. Money is nice, don’t get me wrong, but I like to write.

  • Is there something I didn't ask that you want shared?

I am a contributing author to an upcoming romance anthology to benefit Breast Cancer Research in Australia. Romance isn't my normal genre so it was interesting and challenging. I wrote the piece I am submitting in the same reality as my series, but a few years before Book one. The character in the romance will be introduced into the series in my next book. If for some reason my story doesn't make the final cut I am also a contributing author at Far Horizons Magazine so I may get it included in a future issue. I had a prologue to my current series published in the August issue of the magazine. I am currently finishing up the first novelette in a series with Stacey Welsh, and Australian author. It’s written in the thriller/adventure genre. I don’t want to reveal too much about the project but it’s pretty intense. We plan to get the first few books written before we release the first so we can have some time to work on our other projects, but still be releasing work every sixty or ninety days for our readers.
Lastly, I am currently working on a Sci-fi book that has been bugging me since I was a kid. While I love the Star Wars franchise, it didn't satisfy me, so I wrote my own. It will be a combination of all my favorite elements of sci fi. I can’t guarantee 100% originality, but it will be unique and engaging. I have an artist rendering a 3-d model of the ship, the main character, as we speak.  She’s old, tough, and 40 years past her prime. The story is about her last flight.
P.S. I was just contacted by someone close to the Author discussed. This person liked my comment and doesn't understand why the author posted what she did. This party wants to buy my books. Part of me thinks this might just be a way for them to leave negative reviews and lower my ratings in retaliation. Maybe I am just being paranoid. I responded respectfully to this person and thanked them for contacting me.

So I just want to say thank you to Michael Hammor for doing interview with me, and please take the time to find out about his books and maybe pick one up.

Links to his website and Blog:

If anyone has any questions regarding Michael or the "She Who Shall Not Be Named" issue feel free to comment below :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cover Reveal: Dragonfly Awakening By: Jaycee Ford

BOOK:  Dragonfly Awakening
AUTHOR: Jaycee Ford
SERIES: Book #2 of Love Bug Series
GENRE:  Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE:  September, 2014

When Paul Harris laid eyes on Ellie Caldwell the first day of high school, his heart stopped and never beat the same again. However, his best friend Lance spoke first and ended up with the girl. Paul watched them from the sidelines as he fell harder and harder, caught beneath rules of friendship and bro codes. Ellie secretly desired Paul, but he never made a move.
Ten years later, Ellie is living in New York City, worlds away from her ex and the man her heart always craved. A New Years’ resolution sends her back to the country, bringing Ellie face to face with her past.
A forbidden love unfolds between a small town cowboy and a big city fashion designer. When time and distance are no longer excuses, secrets and broken promises come in between Paul and Ellie. All because of the one thing that has always stood in their way … Lance Walton.




Goodreads Link:

Book #2 Dragonfly Awakening

Jaycee Ford grew up chasing street cars around the city of New Orleans. After doing a four year stint at Louisiana State University, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and fled for the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. New Orleans beckoned her home again where she put her love of the foothills into a series of romance novels. In between writing, she’s found behind her desk at a top rated law firm … or still chasing street cars.



Monday, September 1, 2014

Trailer Reveal: Twelve By: T.M. Franklin

Twelve Banner

Hey ya'll I am so excited to share with all of you the new Trailer for Twelve, the final book in the More trilogy. I have followed this series from the very beginning, helping with the promo's and reviews since More had a big book blitz or something like that a few months after it was released.
The book wont be out for a couple more months but get psyched now, and if you haven't started this amazing series please go do it. It really is great.


Ava Michaels is gifted, powerful, and — whether she likes it or not — part of a plot to take over the world.

It’s only been a few months since Ava Michaels discovered she has ties to an ancient people living in the shadows of the human world, despite their superior gifts and abilities. A select few don’t like hiding, however, and think it’s time to take control.

Now Ava’s caught up in a conspiracy in the works before she was even born. In fact, her birth was an integral part of the plan. She’s one of the Twelve, the most powerful Race ever created, and they were created for a purpose.

Turns out, Ava doesn’t like being told what to do.

All she wants is to start a new life with her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, but before they can even think about that, they must join forces with former enemies, seek out some powerful new friends, and figure out what exactly the Twelve, and their power-hungry leader, are up to. 
Then, they have to find a way to stop them.  

Goodreads page:
Here are the trailers and buy links for the first two books:

Buy links -Amazon | Barnes & Noble | TWCS | Kobo | iBooks 


The Guardians -

Buy links - 
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | TWCS | Kobo | iBooks | Goodreads

 About the Author:
TM FranklinT.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. An Emmy-Award winning Seattle TV news producer, Franklin is the author of the award-winning YA adventure, MORE, and its sequel The Guardians. In addition, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short stories A Piece of Cake and Window. Her new YA romance,How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love with You, is Franklin’s first love story without a paranormal element, although she believes love is the best kind of magic.

TWELVE, the final installment in the MORE Trilogy will be released October 9, 2014.

The Trailer:

The Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway